Unit 5: Pole-Zero Analysis#

In Unit 4.4 The Inverse Laplace Transform we introduced the idea of poles and zeros and in Unit 4.6: Transfer Functions we introduced the idea of a transfer function which represents the impulse response of a system \(H(s)\). The transfer function \(H(s)\) has a numerator \(N(s)\) and a denominator \(D(s)\):

(44)#\[H(s) = \frac{N(s)}{D(s)}\]

Both the numerator and the denominator can be factorised

(45)#\[H(s) = \frac{(s - z_1)\ldots(s - z_m)}{(s - p_1)\ldots(s - p_n)}\]

The \(z_i\), which are the values for which \(N(s)=0\) are called the zeros of \(H(s)\). The values \(p_i\) are the zeros of the denominator \(D(s)\) at which \(H(s) = \infty\). The zeros of \(D(s)\) are called the poles of the system \(H(s)\).

In Unit 4.4 The Inverse Laplace Transform we categorised the poles of the system into four cases:

However, we didn’t really discuss the implications of these cases. In this unit we aim to correct this omission. At the end of this unit, we hope that you will be able to discuss the qualitative behaviour of a system with any number of poles and zeros. This will be very useful going forward.

Table of Contents#