Homework 3#

For week 3 which covers Unit 2.4: Systems and Classification of Systems and Unit 3.1: Response of a Continuous-Time LTI System and the Convolution Integral.

Systems and Classification of Systems and Linear Time Invariant Systems#

Attempt any of the questions in examples4 and examples5 that have not been covered in the examples class.

The solutions for Unit 2.4: Systems and Classification of Systems are in Hsu (2020) Solved Problems 1.32, 1.33. 1.3, 1.35, 1.40 and 1.44.

MATLAB solutions for Unit 3.1: Response of a Continuous-Time LTI System and the Convolution Integral are given for Exercise 5.4 to Exercise 5.6 and manual solutions for problems Exercise 5.1 to Exercise 5.6 are in Hsu (2020) Solved Problems 2.1-2.6.

We will do some problems from these sets in Examples Class 3 [link to Canvas].

Supplementary Problems#

Supplementary problems 1.56 to 1.51 (not 1.58) in Hsu (2020) are related to the content covered in Unit 2.4: Systems and Classification of Systems.

Supplementary problems 2.46, 2.48, 2.49 and 2.52 are realated to topics covered in Unit 3.1: Response of a Continuous-Time LTI System and the Convolution Integral.