Homework 2#

For week 2 which covers Unit 2.2: Periodic, Energy and Power Signals and Unit 2.3: Elementary Signals.

Periodic, Energy, Power, and Elementary Signals#

Attempt any of the questions in examples2 and examples3 that have not been covered in class. If you find any that are particularly difficult, please nominate them in the examples request discussion on Canvas for coverage in a future examples class.

The solutions for Examples 2 are in Hsu (2020) Solved Problems 1.14, 1.16, 1.17, 1.18, and 1.20 and for Examples 3 in Chapter 1: Elemental Signals of Karris (2012).

We will also use MATLAB to solve some of these problems in 🥼 Lab 2: Signals and Systems.

MATLAB solutions in video form are available for problems 1.1 and 1.5 from the videos page: Schaums’s Outline of Signals and Systems, 4th Edition Videos.

Supplementary Problems


Section 1.7 Exercises from Karris (2012) give practice of the topics covered in unit2.3 and will be useful for revision.

Solved Problems 1.21, 1.22, 1.24, 1.25 - 1.32 from Hsu [2020] cover the same ground as Karris (2012) but are not presented in the class notes.

The supplementary problems 1.53, 154, and 1.55 give extra practice.


The resources linked above are provided by an Access to Engineering resource from McGraw & Hill provided through the library. To get to this resource for the first time, you may need to follow the link from the Reading List on Canvas. You will need to login using your student number and Swansea University password.