Homework 4#

For week 4 which covers Unit 3.2: Properties and Eigenfunctions of Continuous-Time LTI Systems and Unit 3.3: Systems Described by Differential Equations.

More on LTI Systems#

There are two groups of examples in Unit 3.2: Properties and Eigenfunctions of Continuous-Time LTI Systems which you may wish to have a go at. These are Exercises 6: Properties of Continuous-Time LTI Systems and Exercises 7: Eigenfunctions of Continuous-Time LTI systems. Both sets are examples are annotated to clarify which are examinable (or useful) and which are for background interest only. Exercise 6.1, Exercise 6.2 and Exercise 6.6 will be covered in Examples Class 3 (Link to Canvas).

The exercises in Exercises 7: Eigenfunctions of Continuous-Time LTI systems are of intellectual inerest but cover material that is not examinable.

We went through Exercise 8.1 and Exercise 8.2 in class (see the OneNote Class Notebook) and I have provided MATLAB solutions also. I did this because they provide a useful introduction to the idea of representing differential equations using analogue computer models. For completeness, I have also provided the full solution to Exercise 8.3. The remaining examples in examples8 are optional.