Worksheet 10#
To accompany Unit 5.3 The Inverse Z-Transform#
This worksheet can be downloaded as a PDF file. We will step through this worksheet in class.
An annotatable copy of the notes for this presentation will be distributed before the second class meeting as Worksheet 16 in the Week 9: Classroom Activities section of the Canvas site. I will also distribute a copy to your personal Worksheets section of the OneNote Class Notebook so that you can add your own notes using OneNote.
You are expected to have at least watched the video presentation of Chapter 6.3 of the notes before coming to class. If you haven’t watch it afterwards!
After class, the lecture recording and the annotated version of the worksheets will be made available through Canvas.
Inverse Z-Transform
Examples using PFE
Examples using Long Division
Analysis in MATLAB
The Inverse Z-Transform#
The inverse Z-Transform enables us to extract a sequence \(f[n]\) from \(F(z)\). It can be found by any of the following methods:
Partial fraction expansion
The inversion integral
Long division of polynomials
Partial fraction expansion#
We expand \(F(z)\) into a summation of terms whose inverse is known. These terms have the form:
where \(k\) is a constant, and \(r_i\) and \(p_i\) represent the residues and poles respectively, and can be real or complex1.
If complex, the poles and residues will be in complex conjugate pairs
Step 1: Make Fractions Proper#
Before we expand \(F(z)\) into partial fraction expansions, we must first express it as a proper rational function.
This is done by expanding \(F(z)/z\) instead of \(F(z)\)
That is we expand
Step 2: Find residues#
Find residues from
Step 3: Map back to transform tables form#
Rewrite \(F(z)/z\):
Example 1#
Karris Example 9.4: use the partial fraction expansion to compute the inverse z-transform of
Solution example1.pdf
MATLAB solution#
See example1.mlx. (Also available as example1.m.)
Uses MATLAB functions:
– expands a polynomialsym2poly
– converts a polynomial into a numeric polymial (vector of coefficients in descending order of exponents)residue
– calculates poles and zeros of a polynomialztrans
– symbolic z-transformiztrans
– symbolic inverse ze-transformstem
– plots sequence as a “lollipop” diagram
clear all
cd matlab
format compact; setappdata(0, "MKernel_plot_format", 'svg')
open example1
syms z n
The denoninator of \(F(z)\)
Dz = (z - 0.5)*(z - 0.75)*(z - 1);
Multiply the three factors of Dz to obtain a polynomial
Dz_poly = collect(Dz)
Make into a rational polynomial#
num = [0, 1, 0, 0];
\(z^3 - 9/4 z^2 - 13/8 z - 3/8\)
den = sym2poly(Dz_poly)
Compute residues and poles#
[r,p,k] = residue(num,den)
Print results#
works like the c-language function
fprintf('r1 = %4.2f\t', r(1)); fprintf('p1 = %4.2f\n', p(1));...
fprintf('r2 = %4.2f\t', r(2)); fprintf('p2 = %4.2f\n', p(2));...
fprintf('r3 = %4.2f\t', r(3)); fprintf('p3 = %4.2f\n', p(3));
Symbolic proof#
% z-transform
fn = 2*(1/2)^n-9*(3/4)^n + 8;
Fz = ztrans(fn)
% inverse z-transform
n = 0:15;
sequence = subs(fn,n);
title('Discrete Time Sequence f[n] = 2*(1/2)^n-9*(3/4)^n + 8');
xlabel('Sequence number n')
Example 2#
Karris example 9.5: use the partial fraction expansion method to to compute the inverse z-transform of
Solution example2.pdf
MATLAB solution#
See example2.mlx. (Also available as example2.m.)
open example2
Uses additional MATLAB functions:
– computes and plots a sequence \(f[n]\) for any range of values of \(n\)
Example 3#
Karris example 9.6: use the partial fraction expansion method to to compute the inverse z-transform of
Solution example3.pdf
MATLAB solution#
See example3.mlx. (Also available as example3.m.)
open example3
Inverse Z-Transform by the Inversion Integral#
The inversion integral states that:
where \(C\) is a closed curve that encloses all poles of the integrant.
This can (apparently) be solved by Cauchy’s residue theorem!!
Fortunately (:-), this is beyond the scope of this module!
See Karris Section 9.6.2 (pp 9-29—9-33) if you want to find out more.
Inverse Z-Transform by the Long Division#
To apply this method, \(F(z)\) must be a rational polynomial function, and the numerator and denominator must be polynomials arranged in descending powers of \(z\).
We will work through an example in class.
[Skip next slide in Pre-Lecture]
Example 4#
Karris example 9.9: use the long division method to determine \(f[n]\) for \(n = 0,\,1,\,\mathrm{and}\,2\), given that
Solution example4.pdf
See example4.mlx. (also available as example4.m.)
open example4
Methods of Evaluation of the Inverse Z-Transform#
Partial Fraction Expansion#
Most familiar.
Can use MATLAB
Requires that \(F(z)\) is a proper rational function.
Inversion Integral#
Can be used whether \(F(z)\) is rational or not
Requires familiarity with the Residues theorem of complex variable analaysis.
Long Division#
Practical when only a small sequence of numbers is desired.
Useful when z-transform has no closed-form solution.
Can use MATLAB
function to compute a large sequence of numbers.Requires that \(F(z)\) is a proper rational function.
Division may be endless.
Inverse Z-Transform
Examples using PFE
Examples using Long Division
Analysis in MATLAB
Coming Next
DT transfer functions, continuous system equivalents, and modelling DT systems in Matlab and Simulink.