Unit 2: Transfer Function Analysis of Dynamic Systems

Unit 2: Transfer Function Analysis of Dynamic Systems#

This unit has been adapted from the MATLAB curriculum module Transfer Function Analysis of Dynamic Systems ([Allie, 2024]).

Additional background material is available in Units 3 and 4 of the lecture notes for EG-150 Signals and Systems ([Jobling, 2024])

You can run the original MATLAB LiveScripts by visiting Transfer Function Analysis of Dynamic Systems and following the link to Open in MATLAB Online.

This will install a project called Repositories/Transfer-Function-Analysis-of-Dynamic-Systems on your MATLAB Drive. If you have the MATLAB Connector installed (see instructions on Canvas) the project will be automatically synced to your desktop.

Run the project by finding and opening the file TransferFunctions.prj.

The notes and the lab that follow are based on this project and some of the exercises, activities and homework problems need it to be available.