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EG-247 Signals and Systems

Notes and resources for EG-247 Signals and Systems

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The Activities

Week 1

  1. Introduction (Notes PDF, Slides).
  2. Elementary Signals (Notes PDF, Slides).
  3. Lab 1: Sounds and Sampling (on GitHub).
  4. Homework 1.

Week 2

  1. The Laplace Transform (Notes PDF, Slides)
  2. The Laplace Transform (Notes PDF, Slides)
  3. Lab 2: Elementary Signals (on GitHub)

Week 3

  1. Circuit Analysis with the Laplace Transform (Notes PDF, Slides)
  2. Transfer Functions of Circuits (Notes PDF, Slides)
  3. Lab 3: Laplace and Inverse Laplace Transforms (on GitHub)

Week 4

  1. The Impulse Response and Convolution (Notes PDF, Slides)
  2. Lab 4: Laplace Transforms and Transfer Functions for Circuit Analysis (on GitHub)

Week 5

  1. Reading: The Trigonometric Fourier Series (Revision) (Notes PDF).
  2. Exponential Fourier Series (Part 1) (Notes PDF,Slides).
  3. Exponential Fourier Series (Part 2) (Notes PDF,Slides).
  4. Lab 5: Convolution (on GitHub)

Week 6

  1. The Fourier Transform (Part 1) (Notes PDF, Slides),
  2. The Fourier Transform (Part 2) (Nodes PDF, Slides),
  3. Lab 6: Fourier Series (on GitHub)

Week 7

  1. Fourier Transforms for Circuit and LTI Systems Analysis (Notes PDF, Slides)
  2. Introduction to Filters (Notes PDF, Slides)
  3. Project - Design and Implementation of a 10-band Graphic Equaliser (on GitHub)

Week 8

  1. Sampling Theory (Notes PDF, Slides)
  2. The Z-Transform (Notes PDF, Slides)
  3. Lab 7: Filters (Project Support) (on GitHub)

Week 9

  1. The Inverse Z-Transform (Notes PDF, Slides)
  2. Discrete Time System Models (Notes PDF, Slides)

Week 10

  1. The Discrete Fourier Transform (Notes PDF, Slides)
  2. The Fast Fourier Transform (Notes PDF, Slides)