Homework 4: Lag-Lead and PID Compensation


  1. Add a lag compensator to the lead compensator design for Question 3 of the “Dominant Poles and lead Compensation” problem sheet in order to give a position error constant \(K_P = 20\).

  1. A process control system has open-loop transfer function


    A PID compensator $\(D(s) = K_p + T_D s + 1/(T_I s)\)\( is placed in cascade with the plant and unity feedback is applied. Write down the new closed-loop transfer function and tune the values of proportional gain \)K_p\(, differential time \)T_D\( and integral rate \)1/T_I\( required to give a steady-state open-loop gain of 15, zero step-error, rise-time \)t_r \le 200\( ms and peak overshoot \)%OS \le 10%$.

  1. Design a PID compensator for the control system with open-loop transfer function $\(\frac{5}{(s+1)(s+5)}\)\( such that the dominant closed-loop poles satisfy \)\zeta = 0.5\(, \)\omega_n = 10\( rad/s and the velocity error constant \)K_v = 25$.

  1. A cancellation compensator is to be designed to achieve dominant closed-loop poles at \(s = - 1.5 \pm j2.6\) for the system with open-loop transfer function $\(\frac{K}{s(s+1)}.\)\( Determine the compensation required and the loop gain \)K$ of the compensated system. Use the root-locus technique to examine the worst case effect of a 5% cancellation mismatch due to component tolerances.

  1. A control system has open-loop poles at \(s = 0\), \(-1\) and \(-5\). Determine the value of the velocity error constant \(K_v\) for this system. Use the zero of a lag compensator to cancel the pole at \(s = -1\) and position the pole in order to raise the value of \(K_v\) by \(10\). Sketch the root-loci for both the compensated and uncompensated systems and comment on the relative stability of each.

  1. Using the plant equation $\(G(s)=\frac{K}{s-1},\;K>0,\)\( and a cancellation compensator \)D(s)=\frac{s-1}{s+1} examine the effect on stability of a small error in the compensator zero position.