Tony Hirst on Data Wrangling

Tweets and tips inspired by the #dalmooc guest hangout on Monday October 27, 2014

  1. Reference to John W. Tukey, "We need Both Exploratory and Confirmatory", The American Statistician, Vol 34 No. 1 (Feb. 1980), pp 23-25.
  2. Tukey: “The only way humans can do BETTER than computers is to take a chance of doing WORSE.” 
  3. On iPython Notebooks - which was "before topic" but relevant to what followed
  4. @martinstabe Notebook cells can run code from variety of languages (python, R, javascript, etc) eg R 
  5. @martinstabe nbviewer gives html preview; actual notebooks are interactive, cell based docs; code cells can be executed one cell at a time
  6. The Hangout
  7. "we shouldn't be afraid to put powerful tools in the hands of individuals who might not quite understand them yet" @psychemedia #dalmooc
  8. and they were shared ... see 21:34
  9. Tools R and gplot
  10. Tools iPython notebook
  11. Excellent Google Hangout on Data Wrangling by @psychemedia should be available on YouTube very soon at . #dalmooc
  12. #dalmooc Apologies for all the F1 data - I’ve been submerged in  for the last week and not been up for air!
  13. #dalmooc An example of one of my conversations with data from earlier this year… 
  14. Interesting presentation by @psychemedia despite some glitches. A good overview into the complexities of data representation. #dalmooc
  15. Excellent chronicled twitter stream of the @psychemedia 's presentation by @eRomanMe #dalmooc
  16. @psychemedia Tony Hirst: more inspiration to learn R and Python. Thanks. #dalmooc
  17. And post hangout additions from the man himself....
  18. Tools: R, python, pandas, RStudio and iPython notebook
  19. @jimacunningham R and python/pandas have a similar notion of dataframes; RStudio and IPython notebooks have v powerful workflows #dalmooc
  20. #dalmooc My slides here -  Didn’t have time to annotate them unfortunately:-(
  21. Tutorial on on Gephi
  22. ... and and example of openrefine
  23. And a series of great iPython notebooks ...
  24. #dalmooc writing interactive pivot tables into IPython notebooks… 
  25. Tools: data2txt
  26. #dalmooc And finally, s/thing I didn’t talk about but that will get more widespread…? data2txt - v simple example: 
  27. With reactions from folks who watched the recording
  28. Listening to @psychemedia Hangout from #dalmooc on data wrangling. Learning the ropes rather than flying by the seat of my pants.
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