#LTHEChat #byod4lchat - January 2014
One of my earliest stories - not actually published til now!
- We are back next week with a new organising team & joined-up #lthechat #byod4lchat > are you getting ready?
- BYOD4L No 4 starts on Monday http://plus.google.com/communities/11 … #byod4l Join us! Please RT
- Hello everybody and Happy New Year, We are back next week with the 4th iteration of BYOD4L. This is super exciting… http://ift.tt/1Z8FcHI
- Hello everybody, The #BYOD4L is back in January 16 for the 4th time. We will be using a different approach to sup… http://ift.tt/1Z8FfDl
- Warm welcome to #BYOD4L and Topic 1: Connecting https://byod4learning.wordpress.com/2016/01/11/warm-welcome-to-byod4l-and-topic-1-connecting-2/ … pic.twitter.com/hSJ7lAgSog
- Great seeing twitter connections growing already today via @mhawksey TAGS explorer http://hawksey.info/tagsexplorer/?key=1QNr6zweI9-7Ra9ovMbGTFkBNV_ss-058B3C2bBCbBXs&gid=400689247 … #BYOD4L pic.twitter.com/3a0H3kPPk7
- .@EHannan14 OneNote Class Notebook has a collaboration feature that allows this to be easily set up. Plain old OneNote will work too #byod4l
- Hi, I'm Chris Jobling, a Senior Lecturer in Electrical and Electronic Engineering at Swansea University , long-tim… http://ift.tt/1K8Gfew
- Welcome to day 1 - http://ift.tt/1PZzqSM Warm welcome to #BYOD4L and Topic 1: Connecting Dear friends, A warm we… http://ift.tt/1PZzt15
- OneNote, Google Draw and Prezi might be worth a look for this application #byod4l https://twitter.com/EHannan14/status/685072280423153668 …
- I've blogged in a couple of places to spread the word about my participation in #BYOD4L https://blogs.swan.ac.uk/chris-jobling/2016/01/11/byod4l/ … & http://blog.cpjobling.me/2016/01/11/a-place-to-practice-and-reflect-on-byod4l/ …
- .@DiverseLearners where can we find your post? #BYOD4L
- For 24 hours only .... https://twitter.com/sheilmcn/status/686538826580361216 …
- New on the blog - #byod4l day 1 https://gcublend.wordpress.com/2016/01/11/byod4l-day-one-connecting/ …
- Adding badges to your Known portfolio using Embedly. #BYOD4L #LTHEchat https://markawilliams.withknown.com/2016/adding-badges-to-your-portfolio-using-embedly …
- #BYOD4L when you grow up with technology you can instantly see the benefits of how it could improve learning&teaching. continued...
- #BYOD4L if you haven't grown up with technology/ don't use technology, it must be difficult to see how it can be embedded into teaching.
- A year ago "#BYOD4L Day 1: The morning after the day/night before" http://wp.me/p34gGY-Q via @neilwithnell who is now a course leader!
- @neilwithnell you were finding keeping up to date as a #byod4l facilitator a challenge. Any advice for new mentors/facilitators?
- There's been rumours of of #BYOD4L TV ;-) https://twitter.com/suebecks/status/686578103515234304 …
- What would you have liked us to do that we didn't? #BYOD4L https://twitter.com/Blodge93/status/686566628008550401 …
- remember if you are joining the tweetchat tonight follow and use #byod4lchat
- .@alexgspiers Ahh ... but I understood that @sheilmcn got her inspiration from you! https://gcublend.wordpress.com/2016/01/11/byod4l-day-one-connecting/ … #BYOD4L
- Can anyone join in? Not for the prize but for the challenge! https://twitter.com/egillaspy/status/686478957613576192 …
- Facilitating/mentoring on #BYOD4L @neilwithnell advises "you can't be in all places at once ... The community thrives with peer support too"
- @ClareKell1 @pcutl @CathCamps @PhilVincent @susaltteam @BYOD4L ... #BYOD4L is useful for Uk PSF and CPD in T&L generally!
- Like it ... Code sharing and pith helmets. #BYOD4L goes steam punk! https://twitter.com/wmoindrot/status/686605615087644672 …
- Who’s joining us for #BYOD4Lchat this evening?! One hour to go. Tonight’s topic is ‘connecting'
- Who’s joining us for #BYOD4Lchat this evening?! One hour to go. Tonight’s topic is ‘connecting'
- Q1 What mobile device(s) do you use to connect with others? #BYOD4Lchat
- Q2 What apps or services do you use to connect? #BYOD4Lchat
- Q3 What BYOD4L forums have you used to connect today (Twitter, G+) and why? #BYOD4Lchat
- Made it ... better late than never? #byod4lchat
- RT @BYOD4L Q2 What apps or services do you use to connect? #BYOD4Lchat
- A1iPhone, iPad, Macbook Pro #BYOD4Lchat
- A2 In order of usage email, Twitter, Google+, YouTube, LinkedIn, Facebook #BYOD4Lchat
- A3 Twitter, Google+ ... why? familiarity #BYOD4Lchat
- @gcujime not if you have a PVR! #byod4lchat
- @jenfromthepool the young 'uns don't want to be seen as uncool perhaps? ;-) #BYOD4Lchat ... but keep adding value for them and they'll come!
- RT @BYOD4L Q4 How do your connections help you with your learning and networking? #BYOD4Lchat
- A4: inspiration and community #byod4lchat
- @jenfromthepool I hear that that lots of students use twitter but see very little evidence of it when I try to engage with them! #byod4lchat
- @DiverseLearners you participated by letting us know that you couldn't participate. Skype is good too! #byod4lchat
- Q5 Do you connect with others in online discussions/groups? #BYOD4Lchat
- RT @BYOD4L Q5 Do you connect with others in online discussions/groups? #BYOD4Lchat
- A5 Do you mean outside SoMe? Like JISCmail? Answer not so much. Discussion groups and mailing lists is so C 20th! #byod4lchat
- @sheilmcn @S_J_Lancaster have you ever tried to get students to use them? Perhaps that fails for the same reason! #byod4lchat
- RT @BYOD4L Whew! We are almost over. Last question. Q6 Do you have any tips for connecting with others to build your network #BYOD4Lchat
- A6 ... join #LTHEchat on Wednesday's 20:00 GMT. It's done wonders for my PLN and CPD #byod4lchat
- @AllanGThomson "lurking" is not as bad as it sounds! ;-) You need to lurk a while to find out what the community's tone is! #byod4lchat
- @BYOD4L Nooooooo! #byod4lchat
- @BYOD4L but I feel like Eliza Dolittle ... I could have tweeted all night ... and still have begged for more! #byod4lchat
- Nighty night everybody! .... (today my device was a macbook pro [unplugged] and I tweetchatted through the tweetchat web app). #byod4lchat
- Summary of last nights tweetchat #BYOD4L https://storify.com/BYOD4L/byod4lchat-day-1-january-2016-connecting …
- Theme is 'communicating' https://byod4learning.wordpress.com/topics/2-communicating … #BYOD4L #BYOD4Lchat
- @Lynch39083 @K12ninja @iLearningUK thanks. Have added to my resources page on myOneNote #BYOD4L notebook https://onedrive.live.com/redir?page=view&resid=9414AA5F985FB51D!4480&authkey=!AJnYVCGREWE6epA …
- @neilwithnell @jenfromthepool that's really cool!
- As I engage with #BYOD4L I'm recording my reflections on mobile device use and OneNote on mobile devices here: https://onedrive.live.com/edit.aspx/Documents/BYOD4L?cid=9414aa5f985fb51d&id=documents&wd=target%28Reflection.one%7C3682D911-4AEA-457A-9A47-7C71F20735FB%2FOn%20Devices%7C42536070-EE64-7940-AC83-9522D71251C8%2F%29 …
- Worth giving it a go? #BYOD4L https://twitter.com/the_markness/status/686911593100226560 …
- @neilwithnell @BYOD4L I'll be waiting!
- @egillaspy Obvious advantage is that, as they're hosted on Google Hangouts, an unhangout would be free. #BYOD4L
- Join myself, @sheilmcn and the community of #BYOD4L tweeps in half an hour on #BYOD4Lchat . Theme is 'communicating'.
- Worked really well so all your hard work was worth it! #BYOD4L Day One: Busy, busy, busy... BYOD4L Day One: Bus… http://ift.tt/22Y2jUP
- I don't have "smart phone thumbs" so it's the laptop and full size keyboard for me! #byod4lchat
- We hope you have enjoyed today’s #BYOD4L on Communication, and that you are ready for another fabulous #BYOD4Lchat
- Q1: How do you communicate using your mobile devices? #BYOD4Lchat
- A1: oddly enough on my smart phone not via telephony! Mostly text I have to say: email, twitter, google+ and today #slack #byod4lchat
- .@chrissinerantzi I certainly prefer asynchronous communication ... it puts me in control not me correspondents #byod4lchat
- RT @the_markness @neilwithnell @cpjobling Here's how we've used #slack recently <- I'll certainly curate that tomorrow! #byod4lchat
- @sheilmcn @chrissinerantzi still searching for the channel that works for me and my students. Still mostly Email! #byod4lchat
- Q2 When have you failed to communicate in the classroom? #BYOD4Lchat
- @neilwithnell @suebecks I've never really tried Siri ... feels a bit HAL 9000 to me!
- @BYOD4L A2 ... in what sense? #byod4lchat
- @the_markness @JeanEd70 @bjgreen25 @neilwithnell @HelenCaldwel - I'm already a Trello convert! Must mention it somewhere! #byod4lchat
- A2 how about this one: https://youtu.be/uhiCFdWeQfA #BYOD4Lchat
- Q3: How can mobile devices aid communication? #BYOD4Lchat
- @suebecks @egillaspy @neilwithnell OK Google? ... think so but not restricted to Android. Available on Chrome I believe! #byod4lchat
- A3 potentially by improving engagement ... I really want shared whiteboard tech to work! #byod4lchat
- @neilwithnell @simonrae @JeanEd70 @chrissinerantzi iPad pencil looks good but it's only for iPad Pro currently.... #byod4lchat
- Adonit Jot Pro Stylus is surprisingly good for iOS devices! http://www.adonit.net/jot/pro/ #byod4lchat
- @sheilmcn @LindaOpen The Voice Memo app on original iPhone was good. Then it disappeared ... and now it's back ... #BYOD4Lchat
- Q4: How can mobile devices hinder communication?
- @S_J_Lancaster @patlockley you must tell us why. Slack's still "interesting but what do I use it for?" for me. #byod4lchat
- @becksell2001 email address ... but best to DM it #BYOD4Lchat
- Isn't there a limit to users in Socrative. No limits in Kahoot! but only MCQs I believe. #BYOD4L https://twitter.com/AllanGThomson/status/687011461936377860 …
- You turn your attention off for a second and Q4 comes along! And I can't find it! #byod4lchat
- A4: eyes down ... checking their devices not eyes front engaging with me ... like real life! #byod4lchat
- Q5: Do you have one (or two) top tip(s) for effective communication? #BYOD4Lchat
- A5 I like other people's answers to this better than mine which was "honestly no!" #byod4lchat
- @Stylianoudaki my advice is to answer them later when it's quieter ... even if the only audience is yourself #byod4lchat
- @BYOD4L thanks to you and the team for facilitating! #byod4lchat
- Tomorrow’s #BYOD4L topic is curating: https://byod4learning.wordpress.com/topics/3-curating/ … ; have fun! #BYOD4Lchat
- @neilwithnell thanks! Found it by leaving tweetchat and checking @BYOD4L on twitter.
- Ready for the first #lthechat of the year? @suebecks @neilwithnell from @BYOD4L with you tomorrow http://lthechat.com/2016/01/09/weareback/ … add #byod4lchat
- There was a bit of a meme when conversation mentioned Siri, Hey Google! and Cortana ... anyone used these digital assistants? #byod4lchat
- @HelenCaldwel @the_markness @JeanEd70 @bjgreen25 @neilwithnell trello's a great project planning tool for agile teams. #BYOD4L #BYOD4Lchat
- .@BYOD4L Interested in trying slack? There's now a place where you can request an invite: https://slofile.com/teams/byod4l . #BYOD4L #BYOD4Lchat
- @bjgreen25 @JeanEd70 @neilwithnell @the_markness @HelenCaldwel why not join the #BYOD4L slack and explore? https://slofile.com/teams/byod4l
- Trello came up in the #BYOD4Lchat last night. Here's a public Trello board for #BYOD4L if you want to try it! https://trello.com/b/eOVQUvha/exploring-trello-for-byod4l …
- @egillaspy In Trello, you move things to the "done" board. @dajbelshaw blogged about it http://dougbelshaw.com/blog/2015/06/29/trello-kanban/ … which was my cue #BYOD4L
- @egillaspy will need to checkout DropTask too though now :-) #BYOD4L
- @the_markness has posted some Pros and Cons for slack: https://slack-files.com/T0J8T80G2-F0JBJEJA3-bf6b9b104d … #BYOD4L
- My Reflection on Curating: https://plus.google.com/+ChrisJobling/posts/UyDb8g3SNUP … #BYOD4L
- @mandyjjack will you be taking part tonight Mandy?
- Really good idea ... and I hadn't thought of doing this! #BYOD4L https://twitter.com/BYOD4L/status/687304581966082048 …