Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “Twitter”
OneNote with Marija
This just seen on Twitter. A great resource from @teachermarija on using OneNote and OneNote Class Notebook in the classroom distributed as a OneNote notebook.
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#SUSALT18 - Wakelet
Cross-posted from the LTEC Blog.
For those who couldn’t make the 10th SALT conference held at the Bay Campus, here is a Wakelet I made of the tweets from the event.
If you want to learn more about Wakelets and how to make them, the new way to curate social media posts and create stories using @wakelet by Sue Beckingham (@suebecks) is an excellent introduction. Comments: Diwrnod 4 #SU5DoT: Hashnodau – su5dot - May 4, 2019
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BYOD4LChat Number 1
I created this page as a proof of concept using CoDog’s link extraction tool on the story that was curated by Sheila McNeil.
Observations, long tweetchats like this should be edited in the Text view in WordPress. Rendering the tweets in the Visual HTML editor view is not something that the WordPress can cope with, but is probably necessary if you want to add commentary to a chat rather than a straight record.
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QAA crack down on contract cheating
A big news story today was the QAA’s publication of advice for universities on how to combat contract cheating.
I made a Twitter moment:
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Work-life Balance in Academia
Important thread on work patterns in academia.
I recommend that you read the whole thread!
Perhaps it reflects the US experience more than the UK, but I think the pendulum might be swinging this way in the UK too.
One of the replies
prompted this response from the Times Higher’s Phil Baty
What do you think?
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Tweet Chatting - Readdress the VLE
On Friday I stumbled across #GuildChat which was discussing the Learning Management System (LMS) or what we in the UK call the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE).
As a long-time participant in Wednesday’s #LTHEchat (@LTHEchat) I expected the chat to be “storified”, but as it wasn’t, I’ve taken the liberty of making my own record. Here it is.
View the story “#GuildChat Readdress the LMS” on Storify
About #GuildChat and #LTHEchat #GuildChat is a weekly Tweet Chat hosted by the eLearning Guild (@eLearningGuild)– a US membership organization that seems similar to the UK’s Association for Learning Technology (@A_L_T).
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Unofficial Storify of #HEAchat/#LTHEchat February 2016
View the story “#HEAchat/#LTHEchat February 2016” on Storify Comments: My CPD in 2016: Part 1 #HEAChat – Fresh and Crispy - Jun 4, 2017
[…] It looks like I made a story for this one: See Unofficial Storify of #HEAchat/#LTHEchat February 2016. […]
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