Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “Blog”
Transitioning from Word Press to Hugo
Introduction In August 2024, I decided that I would attempt to move my old Fresh and Crispy WordPress blog to a new static website using the Hugo tool. This is a record of the process that I followed.
Installing Hugo I installed Hugo by following the instructions given on the Quick Start.
This is the first page that I created using
hugo new content/posts/ This is what the new blog site looks like after this first step
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Summer To Do List
It’s graduation next week, the official end of the University year and the start of the summer battery recharge. Inspired by a comment from my friend and colleague Chris Hall made at yesterday’s #SUSALT18 Conference, I thought that it was time to reactivate my blog with a few thoughts on what I want to achieve over the summer.
So here, in no particular order, are the things on my todo list.
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BYOD4LChat Number 1
I created this page as a proof of concept using CoDog’s link extraction tool on the story that was curated by Sheila McNeil.
Observations, long tweetchats like this should be edited in the Text view in WordPress. Rendering the tweets in the Visual HTML editor view is not something that the WordPress can cope with, but is probably necessary if you want to add commentary to a chat rather than a straight record.
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BYOD4L 2018
It’s time for Bring Your Own Device for Learning 2018 (my 6th) and this year there are 5 additional C’s (Confidence, Capability, Copyright, Community and Celebrating) to add to the usual menu of Connecting, Communicating, Curating, Collaborating, and Creating.
I’m probably not going to have the freedom that I had last year to contribute as much as I would like, but I will be using a new curation tool – TiddlyWiki – and its mobile editing app Quine.
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To Be or Not to Be?
[Cross posted from my Work Blog.]
[caption id="" align=“alignleft” width=“439”] Sarah Bernhardt as Hamlet, with Yorick’s skull (photographer: James Lafayette, c. 1885–1900). Image from Wikimedia Commons as published in Hamlet (Wikipedia).[/caption]
I’ve had a work blog, courtesy of my employer Swansea University, for a number of years, but rarely use it.
Instead, I tend to post most often in this personal blog.
So, at the start of this new year, a time for reflection and resolutions, I find myself asking myself should I keep this blog and start using it more systematically or should I abandon it?
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Reclaiming my sites
My adventures of Domain of One’s Own with Reclaim Hosting continues.
I’ve just resurrected the Dokuwiki that I used for various modules related to Internet and Communications Technology (ICCT). You’ll find this at its new home at
I’ve also set up a new development blog using the static-website generation tool Nikola. You’ll find Crispy Dev hosted at as well as on GitHub at
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Welcome again
This is my new blog which is a self-hosted site hosted on reclaim hosting.
The original version of this blog is to be found at aliased to
As I have moved this blog by exporting from another WordPress site, there may be some broken links. Leave comments if you find anything.
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If the twitter hashtag (#SocMedHe17) I followed today was anything to go by, the 3rd Annual Social Media in Higher Education conference, held today at Sheffield Hallam University, was a great success.
I made a twitter moment and a Storify story (plus archive) of the event, but from my remote vantage point, the highlights were:
The build your own conference (or BYOC) The Lego Serious Play session (lots of ducks) David Webster and Lucy Cadbury on Saying no to fun The mince pies Sue Beckingham and Simon Horrock’s expose of University leaders who tweet The twalk.
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Archiving Tweetchats - Experiment 1
If you take a TAGS file (I used this one: BYOD4L 2016-2017 (@cpjobling)) and sort it in time order, you can then copy column Q (status_url) and paste the data into the HTML view of a WordPress page or Post to get a similar archive to that which @Storify produces.
Unfortunately, there seems to be a limit (on hosted WordPress at least) and only the first N tweets are shown (where N is to be determined).
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Proof of concept
status_url http://twitter.
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How to archive your Storify stories on GitHub pages
Yesterday, Storify announced the retirement of its Storify service. This leaves a lot of users, including myself, with Storify stories linked into their blog sites and nowhere to host them when the service closes. Storify has provided an export feature, which can output a whole Storify store as a static HTML5 webpage, and GitHub provides a way to host static websites via its free GitHub pages feature. I, therefore, yesterday tweeted about a proof of concept trial:
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#ALTC Winter Conference - Day One
Today, was day one of the 2017 ALT Winter Conference (#altc) and I was supposed to chair the 10:00 am session “The Great Sussex Podblast” to have been delivered by Pete Sparx, George Robinson and Tab Betts from Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) at the University of Sussex. Unfortunately, problems with the Conference Webcasting platform (Blackboard Collaborate Ultra) and it’s back up (Blackboard Collaborate Classic) meant that the session had to be cancelled.
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#OpenEdMOOC Week 1
Though signed up to the EdX Course in good time, I’ve only just today, already half-way through week 2, gotten around to exploring the resources and activities for Week 1 of George Siemens’ and David Wiley’s (or is the attribution the other way round) open course on an Introduction to Open Education (hashtag #OpenEdMOOC).
On first viewing, the structure is interesting. The course is available as an xMOOC (with the possibility of an optional certification) on the EdX platform.
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Ada Lovelace Day 2017
Today is Ada Lovelace Day - an annual celebration of women in STEM.
To mark the occasion I used Storify to make a personal curation of the tweets and blog posts that I liked on #AdaLovelaceDay 2017 (#ALD17)
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QAA crack down on contract cheating
A big news story today was the QAA’s publication of advice for universities on how to combat contract cheating.
I made a Twitter moment:
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Work-life Balance in Academia
Important thread on work patterns in academia.
I recommend that you read the whole thread!
Perhaps it reflects the US experience more than the UK, but I think the pendulum might be swinging this way in the UK too.
One of the replies
prompted this response from the Times Higher’s Phil Baty
What do you think?
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#HEblogswap - Transferring Enthusiasm
I’ve been a teacher in engineering and technology for over 30 years. I love computing, coding, and ed tech. I spend hours on-line watching videos to increase my understanding of the technologies that I love. I love engaging with my personal learning networks, particularly #LTHEChat and #CreativeHE. I take part in MOOCs and am curious about teaching and learning and how to do it. I’m a course leader and want my students to have the best experience possible.
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#LTHEChat 89 - A Personal Curation
LTHEChat returned last night with a chat on Staff and Student “Digital” Development led by Simon Thompson (@digisim) supported by the new backroom team.
There will be a Storify but I thought I would provide a personal curation of the key conversations that I engaged with or noticed during and after the chat.
This is made easier by a Wordpress feature that converts the URL of a tweet into an embedded tweet.
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#HEBlogSwap - The importance of showing your enthusiasm in large-group maths sessions - by Rebecca Jackson
I’m going to say it: I hate maths. Well, not the sexy stuff that’s super interesting like zero, infinity, chaos, or probability but the easy stuff that ties your brain in knots when working in a shop - long division! (Still can’t do it…)
Why do I hate maths? Many fears and dislikes are rooted in bad childhood experiences. My fear of maths is down to Mrs Nameless, who physically dragged me out of class on more than one occasion, calling me out in front of all my classmates and using my full name to boot - the horror!
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OneNote Class Notebook and Classroom Teams
In July’s SALT Conference, I presented a demonstration of OneNote Class Notebook to my colleagues. As it was a bit chaotic and unstructured, I prepared presentation in Sway that I made available after the session. (I also promised a video which is still on my to-do-list.)
Interestingly, our own Paul Manning (@PaulCManning) and OneNote Central (@OneNoteC) spotted my Sway and after a short twitter conversation that turned to Microsoft Teams, @OneNoteC tweeted a useful collection of resources on Teams for Education:
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Emerging into the light
I’ve decided to return to social media a bit earlier than planned. Here are two things that I thought I needed to share and brought me out if hibernation. For the first, I’ve been catching up on Bryan Alexander’s discussions in his Future Trends Forum which can be viewed on this YouTube channel. I’ve been particularly interested in the discussion with Phil Hill on ‘Towards the future Learning Msnsgement System’ and ‘The Future of Moodle’ with Martin Dougiamas.
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Going dark
Over the last week or so, I have found myself getting more and more depressed about the state of the world and my place in it. The constant bad news about the UK election, Brexit, Trump, and the vile responses you read when you follow a Tweet stream on any of these topics. The crisis in Higher Education, too many students, falling student satisfaction, TEF, the stress of teaching and managing teaching, the false dawn of e-learning, analytics, AI; dire warnings about so-called “Generation-Z” students and their likely impact; and the devaluation of human relationships between teachers and their students.
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Digital content at #SUSALT17
On Wednesday, I chaired a presentation session at Swansea University’s annual SALT conference “Reaching for Teaching Excellence” (#susalt17). In the session the three speakers all presented examples of what might be summarized as authentic assessment of students engaged in content co-creation through problem based learning.
First up we had Tanya May from Modern Languages who presented “Start where you are, use what you can: an online professional portfolio in the Spanish Class.
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OneNote Class Notebook and Classroom Teams
At Wednesday’s SALT Conference, I presented a demonstration of OneNote Class Notebook to my colleagues. As it was a bit chaotic and unstructured, I prepared presentation in Sway that I made available after the session. (I also promised a video which is still on my to-do-list.)
Interestingly, our own Paul Manning (@PaulCManning) and OneNote Central (@OneNoteC) spotted my Sway and after a short twitter conversation that turned to Microsoft Teams, @OneNoteC tweeted a useful collection of resources on Teams for Education:
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My CPD in 2016: Part 2 #LTHEChat
#LTHEchat is another ongoing twitter chat that takes place one hour every week during University term time (on Wednesdays at 8:00 UK time). The purpose is to discuss various issues around Higher Education. The event was launched by Sue Beckingham (@suebecks) of Sheffield Hallam University and Chrissi Nerantzi (@chrissinerantzi) of Manchester Metropolitan University in October 2014. Since 2015/2016 the event has been organised by a rotating team of volunteers who run it for a semester.
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My CPD in 2016: Part 1 #HEAChat
As part of my maintaining my professional registration as a Chartered Engineer (C.Eng.), I am now required to record and reflect on my CPD and have my training records for 2016 audited by the IET. This has meant going back through my calendar and trying to recall all the CPD events and activities that I was involved with for the last 18 months so that I can populate my historic data and then hopefully continue to record events in more real time thereafter.
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Inclusion is the key to successful TEL
In this article published by Turning Technologies - makers of audience response system TurningPoint, clickers and ResponseWare - Professor of Chemistry Education at the University of East Anglia and National Teaching Fellow Simon Lancaster (@S_J_lancaster) discusses how he is encouraging his colleagues to use Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) to engage students in lecture theatres. Here is a video of Simon’s keynote from the 2015 Sheffield Hallam University Learning and Teaching Conference in which he expands on and demonstrates these ideas.
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My Open Story for #101openstories
As an engineer with a keen interest in software development and the web I suppose I come to “Open” with a philosophy formed from my exposure to the Open Source Software movement. I remember reading Raymond’s The Cathedral to the Bazaar, and being fascinated by Richard Stallman, the Gnu Project, and his idea of Copyleft introduced by the Gnu General Public Licence (GPL). When it came to YouTube and Flickr, making my works available via a CC-BY licence seemed the right thing to do.
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Drafts that will never get written
Inspired by friend and colleague Debbie Baff’s “Homeless blog posts”, I’ve just had a look at my own Wordpress draft posts folder. I clearly had things that I wanted to say 3 months ago and I had a critique of HEA fellowship (still not resolved) a month ago. I also haven’t posted anything that wasn’t a tweet since March 2.
Perhaps we should all share our drafts (suitably redacted) from time to time, if only to spark us to get back on the blogging-bike.
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#BYOD4L: What will your story be?
Cross-posted from the LTEC Blog.
It’s new year. Winter seems to be coming. The students are busy. Time for some useful CPD?
On Monday 16 January 2017, the five day short online course Bring Your Own Device for Learning (#BYOD4L) starts its fifth run.
Structured around the five Cs: connecting, communicating, curating, collaborating and creating, this course aims to provide you with practical experience and ideas of how you and your students might exploit your mobile devices in your teaching to enhance your students’ learning.
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My #BYOD4L Story (Part 1)
In advance of the fifth run of bring your own device for learning (#BYOD4L) and inspired by Sheila McNeil’s post “#BYOD4L A story of personal and professional needs and wants”, I thought that I too would reflect on my experience of my last three #BYOD4Ls.
Looking back at my Twitter Archive, I find that my first #BYOD4L contribution was a retweet on 14th July 2014:
I’m struggling to find any blog posts from what was then the 2nd run of #BYOD4L (the first looks to have been in January 2014) so I probably only engaged via Twitter and Google+.
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A magic minute? Reflections on a year of 1minuteCPD
Kate Soper reflects on her team’s year of introducing new ideas for technology enhanced learning 1 minute at a time.
Source: A magic minute? Reflections on a year of 1minuteCPD
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#BYOD4L V - This Time it's Personal
Back in January for its fifth run is the excellent Bring Your Own Device for Learning (#BYOD4L) online CPD-fest. Covering the 5Cs, Connecting, Communicating, Curating, Collaborating and Creating, this “course” aims to share great ideas and build communities. Concentrating on portable educational technology that you can use with yourself, your colleagues and your students, you’re guaranteed to discover something that will enable you and them to be more effective. And at the same time you’ll find yourself becoming part of a growing community of like-minded souls.
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The Learning Enhancement and Development team at City University London (@CityUniLEaD]) is publishing a learning enhancement and development suggestion every day up until Christmas using the twitter hashtag #eventcityunilead.
Here they are, automatically updated as they are published:
[twitter-timeline id=806119016851013633]
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Blackboard Learn v BB Student App (1)
One of my first findings while looking at the first app of 12 apps for Christmas is that the content viewer in the BB Student App doesn’t display Blackboard Learn’s own content very well:
I wondered why so I did an experiment with Chrome for iPhone, and the content displays fine.
In a follow up to my tweets, Sue Tucker (@sueinasp) pointed out that even the basic rich text handling is inferior.
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Some unexpected consequences
An unexpected consequence of moving from my self-hosted WordPress blog to was that my embedded Storifys stopped working, I lost some images, and several mysterious links to twitter javascript had appeared. A few minutes with the documentation confirmed what I guessed to be true that (for good security reasons) doesn’t allow arbitrary embedded HTML and JavaScripts to be included in posts and pages delivered from the hosted service.
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12 Apps of Christmas (#RUL12AoC #12AoC)
It’s the first of December and in the Learning Technology world this means the launch of multiple open courses promising to introduce busy academics to 12 Apps of Christmas.
I’m enrolled on the Regent’s University of London course which is being hosted on the Blackboard Open Courses platform.
I’m recommending 12 Apps of Christmas to my colleagues for two reasons. Firstly because it provides useful introductions to mobile apps that they can use with students.
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We've moved (again)
This blog was self-hosted on digital ocean until today. Unfortunately, issues with the database was preventing the blog appearing for some of my readers and I don’t have time at the moment to be a Sysadmin and trace the fault. Rebooting the server when I notice it’s down is not a solution either. So, I’ve forked out the £30 a year to have a site with a custom domain hosted on Wordpress.
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Events Coming Up
There are some interesting events coming up over the next two months.
In Swansea, the library team will again be running 7 Days of Twitter #SU7DoT. This time over the period 2nd-12th December. See the announcement and sign up here!. The team at Regent’s University London will again be running 12 Apps of Christmas (#12AoC) starting on 1st December on the Blackboard Open Learning Platform. They won’t be alone! The Association for Learning Technology will be running the third ALT Winter Conference (#altc) online from 6-8 December.
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The Intelligent Campus
Today I had a short Twitter Conversation with James Clay which followed this tweet from JISC’s #codesign16 meeting:
I replied:
James has also blogged about this in I know Where You Are and is following up in this JISC blog post “What does the imminent arrival of the intelligent campus mean for you and your students.”
What do you think?
James has published more of the discussion of the intelligent campus from #codesign16 in this storyfy.
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#FLble2: Blended Learning Essentials: Embedding Practice
I attended the first run of FutureLearn MOOC #FLble1 Blended Learning Essentials: Getting Started last year. Because of other commitments, I couldn’t take part in the first run of the second part #FLble2 Blended Learning Essentials: Embedding Practice but it looks like I have another chance in the re-run that starts 3 October.
Highly recommended!
If you missed it, the team leaders Diana Laurillard and Neil Morris gave a talk on the Blended Learning Essentials courses on Future Learn at the 2016 Alt Conference.
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Giving up the Ghost
Fresh and Crispy has been running as a self-hosted Ghost blog for a couple of years now but today I moved it back over to a self-hosted Wordpress blog.
One of the main reasons for the move is that upgrading the Ghost software is a painfully slow manual process. Other reasons include my desire to try technologies like Mike Caulfield’s Wikity which needs a Wordpress multi-site and the sheer convenience of being able to blog from the Wordpress App.
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