Story of an LTHEChat in Pictures
As part of our preparation for our presentation for Social Media in Higher Education in December (#SocMedHE16), the team is looking at various ways to assess the impact of the weekly #LTHEchat. As part of this, I agreed to attempt to record a flavour of the excitement of the event by capturing snapshots of the growth of the network over a twenty-four hour period using Martin Hawksey’s TAGSExplorer which generated this visualisation, and Jing.
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The Intelligent Campus
Today I had a short Twitter Conversation with James Clay which followed this tweet from JISC’s #codesign16 meeting:
I replied:
James has also blogged about this in I know Where You Are and is following up in this JISC blog post “What does the imminent arrival of the intelligent campus mean for you and your students.”
What do you think?
James has published more of the discussion of the intelligent campus from #codesign16 in this storyfy.
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#LTHEChat 65 on Feedback with Phil Race
In last night’s #LTHEChat Phil Race (@RacePhil) led us on a reflection of the feedback we’ve received and given. Here are the questions and my answers:
All in all
The storify has already been published: #LTHEChat 65: Feedback and feed-forward: language and timing.
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#HEAChat/#LTHEChat on Student Retention
This Wednesday’s #LTHEChat was the first of this new semester’s joint monthly get togethers with the Higher Education Academy (HEA). The topic was connection for student retention (or student resilience as Vincent Tinto prefers to call “retention” which he regards as an institutionally focused word). As usual there was a lot of useful sharing. Here’s the Storify: Connection for Retention- building effective learning relationships. Comments: My CPD in 2016: Part 1 #HEAChat – Fresh and Crispy - Jun 4, 2017
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#LTHEChat 62: using assessment and student engagement
Robert Dragan (@robert_dragan) and Dawn Alderson (@dawn_alderson) led a very lively tweet chat yesterday on Assessment and Student Engagement. Despite Twitter itself playing up, colleagues discussed the following six thought provoking questions and you can read the full record that was captured in Storify. Here is the TAGSExplorer visualisation.
Assessment is definately on my agenda at the moment, and I’ll need some time to reflect on my own thoughts on this topic.
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#FLble2: Blended Learning Essentials: Embedding Practice
I attended the first run of FutureLearn MOOC #FLble1 Blended Learning Essentials: Getting Started last year. Because of other commitments, I couldn’t take part in the first run of the second part #FLble2 Blended Learning Essentials: Embedding Practice but it looks like I have another chance in the re-run that starts 3 October.
Highly recommended!
If you missed it, the team leaders Diana Laurillard and Neil Morris gave a talk on the Blended Learning Essentials courses on Future Learn at the 2016 Alt Conference.
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Swansea 10k
Renate and I walked to the Swansea Central library today and on our way back we were fortunate enough to see the start of the Swansea 10k run. I hope everyone had a good time.
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Giving up the Ghost
Fresh and Crispy has been running as a self-hosted Ghost blog for a couple of years now but today I moved it back over to a self-hosted Wordpress blog.
One of the main reasons for the move is that upgrading the Ghost software is a painfully slow manual process. Other reasons include my desire to try technologies like Mike Caulfield’s Wikity which needs a Wordpress multi-site and the sheer convenience of being able to blog from the Wordpress App.
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You've been upgraded to the latest version of Ghost
You’ve just upgraded to the latest version of Ghost and we’ve made a few changes that you should probably know about!
Woah, why does everything look different? After two years and hundreds of thousands of users, we learned a great deal about what was (and wasn’t) working in the old Ghost admin user interface. What you’re looking at is Ghost’s first major UI refresh, with a strong focus on being more usable and robust all round.
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Golden Tweeter Award
I am humbled at being made the 5th recipient of the prestigious #LTHEChat Golden Tweeter Award for
[my] continuous commitment, valuable contributions and creative energy to the weekly LTHEchat as both a member of the community and as a volunteer member in two organising teams, from January to June 2016.
My thanks to the LTHEChat community for this recognition! Comments: My CPD in 2016: Part 2 #LTHEChat – Fresh and Crispy - Jun 1, 2017
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Tweet Chatting - Readdress the VLE
On Friday I stumbled across #GuildChat which was discussing the Learning Management System (LMS) or what we in the UK call the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE).
As a long-time participant in Wednesday’s #LTHEchat (@LTHEchat) I expected the chat to be “storified”, but as it wasn’t, I’ve taken the liberty of making my own record. Here it is.
View the story “#GuildChat Readdress the LMS” on Storify
About #GuildChat and #LTHEchat #GuildChat is a weekly Tweet Chat hosted by the eLearning Guild (@eLearningGuild)– a US membership organization that seems similar to the UK’s Association for Learning Technology (@A_L_T).
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Unofficial Storify of #HEAchat/#LTHEchat February 2016
View the story “#HEAchat/#LTHEchat February 2016” on Storify Comments: My CPD in 2016: Part 1 #HEAChat – Fresh and Crispy - Jun 4, 2017
[…] It looks like I made a story for this one: See Unofficial Storify of #HEAchat/#LTHEchat February 2016. […]
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