Sunset at Glastonbury
Sunset at Glastonbury, a photo by Chris P Jobling on Flickr.
At Glastonbury 2011 we had rain and mud, then the sun came out on Saturday afternoon, and Elbow was singing “On a Day Like Today” on the Pyramid Stage as the sun went down. Glorious!
More pictures on Flickr.
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Testing markdown
Just installed extended php-markdown plugin and this post is written in markdown as a test.
Here’s some emphasisstrong emphasis and code.
A bulleted list
another item
A numbered list
another item
The code:
Just installed extended [php-markdown]( plugin and this post is written in markdown as a test.
Here's some *emphasis* **strong emphasis** and `code`. * A bulleted list * another item 1. A numbered list 2. another item I’ve turned off the visual editor but WordPress still shows the simple HTML icons.
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My Top 10 Tools of 2010-11
Two heads are better than one.
Helen Davies, one of our Learning Support Team, has put out a call for the annual top 10 tools at Swansea University. A now annual survey that was inspired by Jane Hart’s long-running survey.
As I’ve just come out of a busy teaching term, my list reflects the tools that have dominated my course preparation, delivery and assessment.
My browser (Firefox or Chome used about equally!
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New developments
I’ve just launched a new blog called Crispy Development in which I hope to document my various open-source projects that are hosted on GitHub. This is likely to be on the technical side, and is mostly to help me plan, document and remember stuff. But it may be of interest to someone.
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You've got an "ology"?
Zaid Ali Alsagoff shared his discovery of at last week’s Wednesday presentation on #CCK11 so I’ve posted the link in a blog post “You’ve got an “Ology”? on the Swansea Learning Lab community blog. We also discussed lecture capture at a pan-Wales meeting today, and I included a postscript about the CCK11 model of meeting capture with Elluminate.
Brits of a certain age, will need no explanation for the title of this post.
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Don Knuth at the IET
Don Knuth, another of my heroes, recently gave the 2011 Turing Lecture at the IET in Savoy Place using an interesting approach: “Ask me Anything!”. I wish I’d been there.
Turing Lecture 2011: An evening with Don Knuth – all questions answered
Professor Don Knuth
This years Turing Lecture is delivered by Donald E. Knuth, Professor Emeritus of The Art of Computer Programming at Stanford University. 2011-01-26 00:00:00.0 IT Channel
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Networked Blogs ~ CCK11 (test)
I saw Downes’ commentary Networked Blogs ~ CCK11 on the CCK11 discussion page which talks about someone who suggested in the CCK11 Facebook group that NetworkedBlogs could syndicate from my Blog to the CCK11 group. So I thought I’d set it up as a trial. If it has worked, this post should appear on my Facebook wall, in my Twitter stream and in the CCK11 group.
This may not be so useful if the NetworkedBlogs app only works in the FB walled garden because, as Downes says in a comment to his original thread on getting RSS feeds out of Facebook for syndication into the CCK11 MOOC: “This is the major problem with Facebook – data goes in, but it never comes out.
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I’ve been gorging on new technology this week. It all started with Episode 6 of Doug Crockford’s “Crockford on JavaScript“, an excellent series of evening Yahoo! technical talks that on the history of programming and the JavaScript language that originally ran between January and March 2010. Episode 6, “Loopage”, recorded last August, is a sequel of sorts that covers the JavaScript event-loop, (one of my heros) Grace Murray Hopper, and the problems of concurrency and network latency.
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I’ve been gorging on new technology this week. It all started with Episode 6 of Doug Crockford’s “Crockford on JavaScript“, an excellent series of evening Yahoo! technical talks that on the history of programming and the JavaScript language that originally ran between January and March 2010. Episode 6, “Loopage”, recorded last August, is a sequel of sorts that covers the JavaScript event-loop, (one of my heros) Grace Murray Hopper, and the problems of concurrency and network latency.
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I have moved my blog using the instructions How to Move from blogger to wordpress with permanent 301 redirection provided by Aaslin Sathrak on
In outline, I created a special template page on that redirects to a special WordPress page. This page interprets the redirected URL and finds the reference to the original blogger page permalink that was stored in the page metadata when I exported my blogger pages to WordPress.
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Moving day approaches
Just a quick post to remind you that Fresh and Crispy is moving to this self-hosted WordPress blog Fresh and Crispy II ( on Monday 28th February.
Using the resources of Google, I’ve discovered a way to set up redirection so that regular visitors will hardly notice the move. (I’ll post a how-to after the move.) Discussions have also been redirected.
However, if you are following me via RSS or Google Friend Connect you may have to make some adjustments.
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The Future of HTML5 as Seen by Eric Schmidt
This statement from Eric Schmidt’s keynote at the Mobile World Congress 2011 as quoted by Charles Arthur in the Guardian Tech Blog as some key implications for the future of internet app development. He said some other things too, but this stood out for me.
See this Amp at
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