new links 05/08/2012
Guide to HTML5 Boilerplate for Rails Developers This is a guide to HTML5 Boilerplate for Rails developers. Like Rails on the server side or “backend”, HTML5 Boilerplate provides structure and conventions for setting up HTML5, CSS3 styles, and Javascript for front-end development. It is a popular starting point for many front-end developers. However, some aspects of HTML5 Boilerplate are not useful for Rails projects. Sorting through the HTML5 Boilerplate documentation to find what’s useful for Rails can be confusing.
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new links 04/21/2012
Understanding The Password « family coding @codecademy comes to the rescue when my son’s e-mail account is hacked! #codeyear
- TEDxMuskegon — Maria Andersen — Recipe for Free Range Learning – YouTube
Carve out 20 minutes and listen to @busynessgirl’s TEDx talk on free range learning: #eLearning
- Assessment Marking and Feedback using iPad, iAnnotate, and Dropbox | ELEVATE@UCS
Assessment Marking and Feedback using iPad, iAnnotate, and Dropbox http://t.
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new links 03/03/2012
Beyond marks: new tools to visualise student engagement via social networks | Badge | Research in Learning Technology RT @hopkinsdavid: Reading @jobadge and @ajcann : “New tools to visualise student engagement via social networks”
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
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The Trouble with Apps
Here’s the thing. You take your tablet PC to lunch with the intention of reading the latest on the RSS feeds. You open your news reader, you like an article, you want to share. One option is twitter. You try it, but the embedded web browser doesn’t know your twitter password. You open the article in the browser, and it doesn’t either. The app that does, the official twitter app, is not available as an option for tweeting.
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Firefox 10 Adds New Developer Tools
In my courses on Web Design, EG-146, EG-153, EG-259 and EG-253 I have long advocated the use of Firebug as must-install developer tool. Over recent years, Google’s Chrome Browser, Apple’s Safari, Opera and even the new Internet Explorer have built developer tools into their standard browser offering. In Firefox 10, released on 31st January 2012, Firefox has finally built-in developer tools too, and they look pretty slick. And more is to come in Firefox 11 to be released in March.
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Welcome ICCT Class of 2012
Welcome to the blogging exercise ICCT class of 2011. Please leave the link to your new blog in the comments.
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my bookmarks 02/02/2012
Dive Into HTML5 Mark Pilgrim wrote Dive Into Python (bookmarked elsewhere in this collection) and here he is writing an emerging O’Reilly Book called “HTML5: up and running” which will be released in a similar way … in paper with on-line version available under Creative Commons. It is now being maintained by the community.
tags:html5 book free online mark.pilgrim eg-259 tutorial ebook html resources eg-146 eg-153
- A long digression into how browsers handle unknown elements
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my bookmarks 01/27/2012
BBC – WebWise – a beginner’s guide to using the internet I asked for suggestions for a replacement for Netskills TONIC and Chris Hall (@chris_hall) passed on this recommendation from one of his students: BBC WebWise. This is a beginner’s course aimed at adults who are new to computers and the internet. It has a very wide brief which seems to be the closest to TONIC in it’s range of topics.
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my bookmarks 01/21/2012
Tutorial: Case Study with Html5 + CSS3 | Abduzeedo | Graphic Design Inspiration and Photoshop Tutorials “Last month I did a talk at the Campus Party, one of the biggest technology events of the world, talking about Fireworks, HTML5 and CSS3. It was very nice, the receptivity of the audience was sensational, and thinking that many of you would also like to see the contents of the workshop, so decided to write a full case study and share here on the blog.
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my bookmarks 01/16/2012
Better than Time Machine: backup your Mac with rsync » Hay Kranen tags:howto tools rsync backup mac
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
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More on the Year of Code
My Progress on the Code Academy Code Year Open Course
As mentioned earlier, code and how to create it has become a bit of an early meme this year. As reported by the BBC and The Guardian, UK Education Secretary Michael Grove has announced a shake up of the Schools ICT curriculum which will allow schools to teach programming. The Guardian newspaper has also just launched a Digital Literacy Campaign, co-sponsored by Google, with the aim of creating a new generation of coders, and Michael Kölling and the Code Academy launched open courses in Java (with Greenfoot) and JavaScript (see 2012: Year of Code?
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366 Things and a Bad Joke
I’ve just started another 366 photos project and I’ve also got a “366 days of origami” calendar. In addition, Alan Levine and Jim Groom are about to launch a “Daily Create” project. I think it’s in testing (there’s a hint about it in Thinking in Photos on the CogDogBlog). In anticipation, here’s a video I made of one of my dad’s oldest and worse jokes:
[youtube]If I manage to keep all these extra curricula balls in the air it should be a busy year!
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