Going dark
By Dr Chris P. Jobling
Over the last week or so, I have found myself getting more and more depressed about the state of the world and my place in it. The constant bad news about the UK election, Brexit, Trump, and the vile responses you read when you follow a Tweet stream on any of these topics. The crisis in Higher Education, too many students, falling student satisfaction, TEF, the stress of teaching and managing teaching, the false dawn of e-learning, analytics, AI; dire warnings about so-called “Generation-Z” students and their likely impact; and the devaluation of human relationships between teachers and their students. Etc, etc.
Last week we had the SALT Conference here at Swansea. I should be feeling invigorated and reactivated. I don’t.
I’ve decided that perhaps the reason for my current despondency is that I’ve become addicted to Twitter (and other social media) and it’s making me ill. So I’ve decided to go dark, for a few weeks at least. The tweet that will be posted when I post this will be my last for at least a month.
The Twitter, Google+ and Facebook apps are going to be deleted from my mobile devices.
I’m going to have an offline sabbatical; some me and my family time. I’m going to talk to colleagues; I’m going to read books; I’m going write and draw, with a pen, on paper. I’m going to think.
See you, perhaps, on the other side.
Mandy Jack - Jul 1, 2017
It is probably good to have a rest Chris, it’s all too easy to get swept away with it all. Sorry that SUSALT17 didn’t bring any respite though 😦
Thanks Mandy. I feel better already but I’m trying to be strict with myself.