Getting Started with Assessment and Feedback in HE
By Dr Chris P. Jobling
On March first, Prof Sally Brown, recognised expert in Assessment and Feedback for HE, delivered a Webinar on Getting Started with Assessment and Feedback as part of the Transforming Assessment series. The recording of the seminar, both as a Blackboard Collaborate session and on YouTube is now available and well worth watching as part of your CPD.
The link to the seminar page provides access to the many resources for beginners in HE assessment mentioned in the Webinar. Sally Brown (twitter @ProfSallyBrown) and her partner Phil Race (@RacePhil) are both regulars at the weekly #LTHEChat. Both they and the Transforming Assessment resources are well worth getting to know.
[Cross posted from Getting Started with Assessment and Feedback in HE, Learning and Teaching Enhancement Centre (LTEC), College of Engineering, Swansea University.]