A Place to Practice and Reflect on BYOD4L
By Dr Chris P. Jobling
Cross posted from My Work Blog
The fourth iteration of the short course Bring Your Own Devices for Learning (#BYOD4L) started today and as this will be my third iteration, I have decided to volunteer as a participant and mentor. The course is hosted on Wordpress at byod4l.wordpress.com and it can also be followed by watching hashtag #byod4l on Twitter and other social networks. You can also contribute by joining the BYOD4Learning Community pages on Google+.
As for my personal plans, I am planning to use a OneNote Class Notebook (link) with at least one of my classes this semester. Therefore, as a way of learning the features of OneNote myself, particularly in the context of Bring Your Own Device (BYOD), I decided to use it as a place to publish my reflections and to share it with the whole community. Here’s the link: https://goo.gl/cx4dHM
QR Code to BYOD4L Shared OneNote Notebook
It’s possible to collaborate within a OneNote notebook, so contact me @cpjobling (Twitter) or +ChrisJobling (Google+) if you want write access to this resource.