my bookmarks 12/10/2011
By Dr Chris P. Jobling
Thought provoking blog post from David White. Some interesting ideas that have come out of interviews related to his Digital Residents and Natives and Open Edducational Resources research, viz the “emergency collaboration” 24 hours from coursework submission (I’m sure that goes on a lot in Swansea) and Google> Wikipedia> References which is a popular technique with students but is kept hidden because of the overt discouragement of academics for Google and Wikipedia as valid academic research tools. I’ve personally never had a problem with either G or W in my own learning. Am I prejudiced against them in my students’ learning?
tags:learning [digital resident]( resident) [digital visitor]( visitor) tall-blog
- Open Educational Resources (OER) – Paul’s E-Learning Resources
tags:pauls resources oer e-learning
- OER Impact : JISC
“This study investigated the impact of Open Educational Resources (OER) use on teaching and learning. To achieve this, the project team reviewed current research in the area; surveyed, interviewed and ran workshops with suitable participants to collect data; and produced an accessible report on the study findings. The report considered the use of OER from both an individual and institutional perspective looking at the benefits OER can offer each and identifying the pedagogic, attitudinal, logistical and strategic factors conducive to uptake and sustained use of OER, as well as the associated issues and challenges.” Video, “accessible” report and full report available. Cited on Paul’s e-Learning Resources