Starting with PLENK 2010
By Dr Chris P. Jobling
Today a Massively open Online Course (MOOC) on Personal Learning Environments, Networks and Knowledge (PLENK2010) is starting. The course is being facilitated by George Siemens, Stephen Downes, our own Rita Kop and Dave Cormier and is being used in various was to research PLEs and their effectiveness. Personally, I am hoping to learn more about Personal Learning Environments and Personal Learning Networks (aren’t they the same thing?); how I might exploit them in my own personal learning; and how I might adopt the ideas in my teaching.
There is no fixed approach so I expect that I will be using delicious to bookmark the course materials with tag plenk2010, twitter with hashtag #plenk2010 for quick responses and comments, and this blog for deeper reflection. If I find the need to pontificate in pictures, video or audio, I’ll use the appropriate free tools (respectively Flickr, YouTube and AudioBoo) and provide embedded copy here. The course provides a wiki and a Moodle forum but I’m not sure if I’ll be actively using those. Twice a week there’ll be presentations (Wednesdays) and discussions (Fridays) on Elluminate. There’s also a daily newsletter which will aggregate ideas and posts from participants.
If you’re reading this blog, you’ll note my PLENK related reflections because they’ll be tagged #PLENK2010. The course is open and you can still join by following the link given above. The course runs for 10 weeks. There are no credits but I hope that I’ll learn something!
If any of my readers are also PLENK’ing, perhaps you could let me know in the comments.
My Open Story for #101openstories – Fresh and Crispy - Apr 2, 2017
[…] suppose a breakthrough for me came as a ed blogger came when I joined the Connectivist MOOC Plenk 2010 in September of that […]