I'm fed up!
By Dr Chris P. Jobling
Yesterday I installed Windows 7 on a virtual machine on a MacBook Pro with no problems (see previous post). Today I’m attempting to do the same thing on my office desktop. Yesterday I ran the compatibility checker and no real problems were found. Today, at around 10.00 am, I stated the upgrade from Vista Business to Windows 7 Professional and it’s still not finished. First I had to remove Zone Alarm. Then the installer insisted that I remove the control panel for my Graphics card and iTunes (the latter caused the CD to disappear!) I also had to take my machine through both Vista SP1 and SP2 (and a couple of intermediate system updates in between) before the installer would even start the long-g-g-g-g process of “gathering system information” which happens even before the installation proper starts. At that point (Around 4.00 pm) I left it to it and have come over to indulge in a large latte in the Library.
I know it’s my own fault. Everyone says “do a clean install”. But who can afford the effort of backing up data, installing the O/S and then reinstalling all those applications and restoring the system settings!