How to write up a dissertation: Referencing
By Dr Chris P. Jobling
In about four weeks I will be giving a lecture to the Level 3 Engineering Dissertation class on proper referencing. I will probably want to cover the following ground:
- Plagiarism (or how not to reference)
- How to reference
- A couple of referencing styles (I was thinking numerical and Havard styles).
- Referencing tools: Word 2007, Zotero, Endnote.
There is a brief guide to bibliographic referencing that has been provided by the Library and Information Service at Swansea University which I will use, but I am also looking for examples of plagiarism that I can cite (properly) and any pointers to good on-line resources for using the referencing tools.
In a (very) brief Google search session I came across this nice interactive tutorial from Arcadia University that can be used in the lecture. I will tag others in my delicious feed using tags eg-353+referencing.
Hopefully, the resulting presentation will be good enough to join my existing presentation on How to Write a Technical Report on SlideShare.