Happy 20th Birthday, World Wide Web
By Dr Chris P. Jobling
I’m sure I’ll not be the only one, but let me add my congratulations to Sir Tim and his wonderful, annoying, ubiquitous invention.
[Happy 20th Birthday, World Wide Web](http://janeknight.typepad.com/pick/2009/03/happy-20th-birthday-world-wide-web.html)
via [Jane’s E-Learning Pick of the Day](http://janeknight.typepad.com/pick/) by Jane Hart on 3/13/09
Scientific American has a great feature on Tim Berners Lee and the Web. The reason?
“CERN on March 13 celebrates the 20th anniversary of a proposal entitled, “Information Management: A Proposal,” by Tim Berners-Lee, which would become the blueprint for the World Wide Web”
Happy 20th Birthday, World Wide Web
[Via Richard Nantel on Workplace Learning Today – a great multi-author blog from the analysts at Brandon Hall]