Stalk Me!
By Dr Chris P. Jobling
I have a FaceBook account, but find its walled garden too restrictive, and hate having to login to share something. I’m a child of the World Wide Web (man) and all the sites that I want to share with my social network are out there. Inspired by Dean Shareski’s “Lesson #1: Share“, I got myself an account on and added all my available accounts.
So now you can stalk me (and become my friend) on the interweb. I also have a Tumblr Blog which acts as a “Life Stream”. It shares some of the same feeds, so there may be some duplication on FriendFeed until I decide which, if either, of these provides the most complete picture of my life on-line. However, the real advantage of these sites is that they take no extra effort. Once you add your sites, they update automagically without any further effort.