Disruptive Technologies: Digital downloads, iPlayer and Google Friends
By Dr Chris P. Jobling
In today’s Guardian and Media Guardian there where three articles about how Web technologies are having disruptive effects on traditional media and even (in one case) on one Web 2.0 poster-child technology itself. Here’s a quick summary with links to Guardian On-Line:
- In the Financial Pages Katie Allen discusses the potential effects on sales based on downloading might have on the DVD. In short, it might go the way of the VHS in as little as 10 years!
- In the Media Guardian, Gareth McLean discusses how the BBC iPlayer is transforming television.
- Also in the Media Guardian Jeff Jarvis comments on the Google FriendConnect service and it’s possible impact on Facebook (who controversially refused Google access to Facebook friend lists). Again in summary: by refusing to be open, Facebook may end up being a dead-end.