Switching from Desktop to Online Tools
By Dr Chris P. Jobling
Tom Johnson strkes a chord with his latest [blog](http://www.idratherbewriting.com/2007/07/03/motiviations-for-switching-from-desktop-to-online-tools/) posting on [i’d rather be writing](http://www.idratherbewriting.com) wherein he talks about moving from desktop to online tools. Here’s his list which of tools, many of which I find I am already using (but not exclusively yet): - Instead of Microsoft Outlook, use Gmail. - Instead of FeedDemon, use Google Reader. - Instead of Microsoft Word, use Google Docs and Spreadsheets (if only!). - Instead of to-do lists and other notes stored on Word documents, use Mediawiki Todoist and Dokuwiki. TiddlyWiki is also good! - Instead of a journal that you keep on your desktop, use WordPressBlogger. - Instead of adding favorites to IE, use Del.icio.us. - Instead of storing documents in folders, store them in a file directory on a Web host. This would be a good thing to do but which? - Instead of keeping photos in folders, use Flickr (you’ll need to pay if you have a lot!).
Interesting comment from [Jo](http://www.idratherbewriting.com/2007/07/03/motiviations-for-switching-from-desktop-to-online-tools/#comment-36935) which I’m afraid I have some sympathy for: > […] as for Google as an operating system, it has other potential as well. Last year my university traded WebCT for Blackboard, a course management system so heinous that I spent last spring teaching a course using only Google tools (especially Google Groups and Google docs). Now if I could only wangle a sabbatical with Google to help them move into the higher-ed market…
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