Social Software: Scary Monsters?
By Dr Chris P. Jobling
So we’re all agreed. Blogs: good; email: bad. Wikis: good; sending round attachments to a dozen people and then having to merge all the changes by hand afterwards: bad.
This one goes out to all my colleagues who really do want to send out attachments by email and merge changes manually. (No, I tell a lie, they want to send out printouts of documents and merge red-lined versions back into the electronic documents manually!) Here’s a presentation by Suw Charman (note no Powerpoint!!) recorded at Google HQ and released in the Google TechTalks series that spells out the barriers to social tools and why it might be good to embrace change. This is why I live my life on the web: welcome to my world!
(Note: video is 55 minutes long, so lock the door, take the phone off the hook and grab a coffee before hitting play.)
Also discovered
- Suw’s friend Stephanie Booth has blogged a summary of the presentation for those of you who haven’t got fifty-five minutes to spare.
- Stephanie Booth and Suw Charman discuss “Are PowerPoint Slides Evil?” in a Video Blog on Fresh Lime Soda.
New blog entry on the Learning Lab is a related item about using Google docs for collaborative writing. This might actually work for us!