Blackboard Learn v BB Student App (1)

One of my first findings while looking at the first app of 12 apps for Christmas is that the content viewer in the BB Student App doesn’t display Blackboard Learn’s own content very well: I wondered why so I did an experiment with Chrome for iPhone, and the content displays fine. In a follow up to my tweets, Sue Tucker (@sueinasp) pointed out that even the basic rich text handling is inferior....

December 1, 2016 · 2 min

Tweet Chatting - Readdress the VLE

On Friday I stumbled across #GuildChat which was discussing the Learning Management System (LMS) or what we in the UK call the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE). As a long-time participant in Wednesday’s #LTHEchat (@LTHEchat) I expected the chat to be “storified”, but as it wasn’t, I’ve taken the liberty of making my own record. Here it is. View the story “#GuildChat Readdress the LMS” on Storify About #GuildChat and #LTHEchat #GuildChat is a weekly Tweet Chat hosted by the eLearning Guild (@eLearningGuild)– a US membership organization that seems similar to the UK’s Association for Learning Technology (@A_L_T)....

April 10, 2016 · 1 min