Balloon Blogging

Committed myself to contributing to Headstart and EESW (two summer schools that we run in the School of Engineering) … again! Subject of my bit this year will be Blogging (or more formally Using the Internet as a Research and Collaboration Tool. The idea is that I’ll give the students a potted introduction to the Internet, www, semantic web, rss, blogging etc and then get them to create group blogs focussed on high-performance ballooning (our Summer School topic)....

May 24, 2004 · 1 min

Ward Cunningham on Channel 9

John Udell points to two great little nuggets from an Channel9 interview of Ward Cunningham, inventor of the Wikki. Ward talks about the difficulties of programming in the modern context and how the Wikki came to be. Nice to see what Ward looks like too.

May 24, 2004 · 1 min

Jam Tomorrow

Something to look into: “JAM leverages the new import and target override features of Ant 1.6 to create a reusable, consistent Java build framework. JAM modules support JBoss, XDoclet, JUnit, Cactus, Struts, Castor, Resin and MDA/UML code generation. Maven’s POM and repository features are supported via a Maven-to-Ant bridge.” < p>Thanks to New Build Tool: J2EE + Ant = JAM on theServerSide.

May 21, 2004 · 1 min

Faking the pass-by-reference semantics

Nice blog article about Java’s pass-by-reference semantics. I still think Kathy Sierra’s Campfire Story Pass-by-Value Please is a good an explanation of this difficult concept as you’ll find. And it’s nice and memorable. Kathy and Bert Bates make good use of the analogy in Head First Java too. < p>Thanks to Val’s Blog.

May 21, 2004 · 1 min

Using Velocity with Jython

I need to develop a web application to allow student upload of Java programs for testing. A Jython servlet with some form of template engine for presentation may be part of the solution (full framework J2EE application seems overkill!). I came across several interesting articles after a simple Google search for Velocity and Jython. This one is definitely worth another look later: Pythlet.

May 20, 2004 · 1 min