To Read List: A Byte of Python

Added – A Byte of Python – Free Python Book / Free Python Tutorial to my to read list. Thanks to Daniel Ayers for the heads up!

June 5, 2004 · 1 min

Worth bookmarking: is a site where you can get handy reference cards for numerous open source tools and technologies. They can be printed double sided onto card (or paper) and fold into a three-column, easy-to-carry quick reference. Brilliant! The site had apparently disappeared for a while but is now back. Its author Andrew Ford has produced a new refcard for Template Toolkit. He has included some cards on Web technologies (very useful as handouts for my students!...

June 4, 2004 · 1 min

Watch this!

Added this tech talk to my to watch list. Tech Talk: Scott Ambler on Agile Modeling and Development It’ll be interesting to hear the man!

June 3, 2004 · 1 min

On my reading list

New addition to my to read list Template-Based Code Generation with Apache Velocity, Part 2 [Jun. 02, 2004] published yesterday. Here is Part 1.

June 3, 2004 · 1 min

jMock - A Lightweight Mock Object Library for Java

Version 1.0.0 jMock – A Lightweight Mock Object Library for Java has been released. jMock is a framework that uses refelection (I assume) to programmatically define mock objects for unit testing. Tutorials and source code ready for downloading.

June 2, 2004 · 1 min