Rugby Summer Tests: England loss 36-3 in first test

BBC Match Report quote: New Zealand gave coach Graham Henry the perfect start to his reign as England suffered at Dunedin’s “House of Pain.” I’m gutted that the match kicked off 8.00 am UK time and I forgot to set the Sky+ box! Still Ireland versus South Africa this afternoon and Wales versus Argentina this evening. And the European Cup too! Super Saturday!

June 12, 2004 · 1 min

Suggestions for teaching Java

Not quite on topic, but well worth considering: “If I were sitting down to design a course today, I’d put at the top of my paper: What can I do to make them curious and interested? What can I do to get them to where they can be creative? And finally, What can I do to help them feel like THEY kick ass, as opposed to thinking that I kick ass?...

June 10, 2004 · 1 min

Violet UML Tool

Found this simple UML tool Violet on Cay Horstmann’s web site. Thanks to Frank Carver for starting a thread on tools for Java teaching on JavaRanch and Marlene Miller for suggesting Voilet.

June 10, 2004 · 1 min

Experiments with CVS modules

I have a plan to refactor the lab exercises for EG-140 in readiness for automated submission and marking. The first step was to put the BlueJ projects that students upload into a new repository. However I wanted the repository to be such that all the projects would be within the eg-140-laboratory project but different subsets could be delivered to various audiences. For example, students starting a week’s work should be able to get hold of just a single project as in...

June 5, 2004 · 3 min

Now Reading: Version Control with Subversion

I’m currently reading the free beta chapter of Version Control with Subversion from the forthcoming O’Reilly open book. Given that subversion can apparently use simple web technology, it may have more potential for use in a teaching situation than CVS — provided that the plugins for ant and eclipse are as good as the CVS ones! Watch this log for experiences on CVS versus Subversion.

June 5, 2004 · 1 min