
Today was an open day at UWS. Every department and school was expected to lay something on for potential students. Every admissions tutor (who usually gets lumbered with this sort of thing) is expected to take time off to be pleasant and show the little kiddies around. Except that all the labs that I would have shown were locked because no one had told the technicians that they should be opened!...

July 2, 2004 · 1 min

PyDev installation

I am following Ron Smith’s 15 June 2004 article Python development with Eclipse and Ant from IBM developerWorks. The first step is to install the PyDev plugin which is available at Eclipse update site First problem is that when I try to call the python interpreter to run the test I get a launch error. Don’t know if this is an Eclipse, PyDev or Python problem. Launch configuration seems ok!...

July 2, 2004 · 1 min

Eclispe 3 Installed

I have just downloaded and installed Eclipse 3.0. For safety’s sake I backed up my old workspace and deleted the .metadata folder. I also unzipped Eclipse into a clean directory. On startup, Eclipse now asks for a default workspace. This feature should make installation much easier on the School network, cause we can leave it to the students.

July 2, 2004 · 1 min

Java Technology Concept Map

This interactive diagram to the Java universe is a flash application that links to the documentation. I thank Malcolm Davies on Java.Net for drawing our attention to this excellent resource. In a nutshell: “Developers learn and use Java _*to create and run *_Programs _*that make *_Devices _*and the *_Internet _*useful for *_People.”

June 30, 2004 · 1 min

Now that's what I call taking the proverbial

This was posted today on“Dion”):“Dion”): The Brits like to kick a man when he is down… and very funny it is too! Not sure of the source of the images but it is so typical of the British approach to [lack of] success.

June 25, 2004 · 1 min