Installed Java 2 SDK 1.5 Beta 2

I today installed the latest beta of the new “Java 2 Version 5″ SDK on my laptop. I also received my copy of Java 1.5 Tiger A Developer’s Notebook by Brett McLaughlin and David Flangan, just released by O’Reilly. So I’m all set for some serious playtime.

July 12, 2004 · 1 min

Interview with Rod Johnson

Rod Johnson talks about lightweight containers, IoC (dependency injection), Spring, AOP, EJB and Java 1.5. The interview was recorded at this year’s TSS symposium. I’ve just gotten Rod’s new book (see also the review blogged yesterday) and this interview has gotten me all excited to dive in.

July 12, 2004 · 1 min

D Programming Language

Mentioned by Bruce Eckel in his recent Talk blogged earlier, D is another programming language in the C/C++/C#/Java stable. This Language Comparison Table is a good place to start as is this Paper and Presentation. Another Blogger (Kurt Zhou) also also picked up on this.

July 11, 2004 · 1 min

Book Review of J2EE without EJB

First review of Rod Johnson’s new book J2EE Development without EJB by Dion Almaer on the ServerSide. As I’ve just had email from that my copy was dispatched last week, I’ll reserve judgment for now. However, I’m hoping for some useful insights that will help in the redevelopment of my “Client Server Programming in Java” course. Pity it arrives too late to go into the booklist!

July 11, 2004 · 1 min

Bruce Eckel's MindView, Inc: 7-9-04 Java Issues & Directions

Bruce gave a talk at UC Berkley and 9 July 2004. This is his blog entry 7-9-04 Java Issues & Directions which popped under my radar cover via the Dion on Tech who blogged a ServerSide new forum announcement (which has comments). The blog links to a 2 hour 16 minute streamed video. “Be warned, those of you who feel Java is the best language, forever and without bounds, and that it has no limitations: herein I critize Java, but in the spirit of understanding the limitations of the language....

July 11, 2004 · 3 min