JavaOne Presentations online

Thanks to dIon Gillard for this link. Having nothing much better to do today I watched J2EE Best Practices using a Real-Life Example a webinar by Carol McDonald. A good seminar showing how to use the Core J2EE Patterns to best affect. Comments on layering, the presentation, business and persistence layers all very good. But like Rod Johnson and Bruce Tate are telling us, a lot of these patterns are actually anti patterns whose purpose is to overcome architectural deficiencies in the J2EE architecture rather than best practice....

August 10, 2004 · 1 min

SnipSnap running

I have installed a SnipSnap Weblog/Wiki at Not sure how to make it start as a service because it launches an instance of a Jetty web server which is a Java Daemon process that can’t be killed by killing the shell script that started it. Thus you can start the server using an init script, but killing the server is not so simple!

July 20, 2004 · 1 min

Plan for today

Catch up with email (allow an hour). Play with OpenCMS for a while: Install documentation modules if necessary. Create a new engineering web site. Report any problems. Install SnipSnap: Create a blog. Play with the Wiki. Report any problems. Interview a student re his GDE Catch up with Blogines.

July 20, 2004 · 1 min

Installation Blues

I’ve just spent the whole day trying to install OpenCMS on my SuSE 9.1 box. I got stuck trying to get access to MySQL. In the end I had to delete MySQL and delete the old databases. When I reinstalled I noticed that it advised my to mysqladmin -u root password ‘password’ mysqladmin -u root -h hostname passwd ‘password’ I didn’t do the latter first time around! When I fixed the error and changed the DB url to jdbc:mysql:<em>hostname</em>:3306/ it finally all worked....

July 19, 2004 · 1 min

The Serendipity of Google

I just did a google search for “collaborative programming” + wikki on google and came up with (the only match!) Pair Programming: More Learning and Less Anxiety in a First Programming Course. Not exactly what I expected to find, but very relevant nonetheless. Perhaps even better, the paper is hosted at The GE Master Teachers for Freshman Engineering at Northeastern University which seems to be a clearing house for best practice....

July 16, 2004 · 1 min