Summit on Dynamic Languages in Java

A long held artical of faith in the Java world is that Java is a Single Language solution. It’s the biggest differentiator between .NET and Java, for example. A summit was held at Sun HQ (reported by Tim Bray) [thanks to dion on TECH for the link] in which it is clear that Sun is interested in other languages that could run on the JVM. The obvious ones are Jython and Groovy, but present was Larry Wall (of Perl fame) and Guido van Rossum (of Python)....

December 10, 2004 · 1 min

Inspiration Alert!

Jon Udell has just published an inspirational column in his “Prime Time Hypermedia” series on O’ Called Software Movies, Jon shows how you can make much more immediate, high-impact, demos using video capture than is possible with text and images. He demonstrates this with a great example of how he used Windows Media Encoder (WME … a free download from MicroSoft) to capture a video demo of using xpath to make queries on his blog....

November 17, 2004 · 1 min

Aide Memoir: Setting up auto logins with SSH

This is something that I always forget how to do. Here is the recipe adapted from Linux Server Hacks. < ol> First generate your key $ ssh-keygen -t rsa This created two files, ~/.ssh/id_rsa and ~/.ssh/ 5. Then copy the key pair to the host you want to login to $ ssh -l userserver “mkdir .ssh; chmod 0700 .ssh”* $ scp .ssh/ *user@server:.ssh/authorized_keys2 6. Now you can login using $ ssh -l eechrisserver**...

September 10, 2004 · 1 min

CVS Quickstart Guide

Chapter 2 of Jennifer Versperman’s Essential CVS (O’Reilly): CVS Quickstart Guide is online. I used it for quickly setting up my CVS repository on The best tutorial introduction to CVS is the in Pragmatic Version Control (thoroughly recommend).

September 9, 2004 · 1 min

Aspect Oriented Programmimg (AOP) Presentations Online at BeJUG

I am grateful to Adrian Colyer who has just annnounced the imminent arrival of some flash demos of AspectJ in aAction and also the online availability of presentations (and interviews) made by himself and Rod Johnson at a recent meeting (AOP2004) of the BeJUG (Belgian Java User Group).

August 26, 2004 · 1 min