Latest Knoppix

Note to self, latest version of Knoppix is 3.8.1. If I have time, project this (long) weekend, is to install Knoppix on our old home PC. I have the version that comes with Knoppix Hacks but might want to upgrade.

April 29, 2005 · 1 min

Blog decorations have stopped working

My blog template seems to have gottem messed up. I’ve had to save my sidebar settings to start a new look. I was getting bored anyway!

April 25, 2005 · 1 min

Places I've visited

There’s some weird and wonderful stuff out there. Here was map I created at of the places I’ve visited in the world so far (site and image both gone from the internet!) It was a little misleading because I’ve only been to Georgia, Florida, Arizona and California in the States and New South Wales (well actually only Sydney) in Australia. Still, it’s a bit of a giggle.

April 12, 2005 · 1 min

A Weekend's Work at the Open Source Coalface

I got my hands dirty trying to fix a bug in Megg last week. My main motivation, for what turned out to be a long weekend’s work, was a desire to use Mike Clark’s pragmatic automation template announced back in July last year. It wouldn’t load from the URL. It wouldn’t load when I downloaded the zip file and copied it into ./templates/pragouto-template. It wouldn’t load from ./pragauto-template. In fact, it would only work when I added it to the templates collection in the project directory and added it to megg....

April 11, 2005 · 2 min

Ain't it cool!

Just watched this Screencast from Jon Udell on the power of client-side scripting and web services. It it Jon demonstrates a little bookmarklet that takes an ISBN from a page (demo works with Amazon) and looks the book up in a library. Jon’s blog has a page where you can create your own bookmarklet for various library catalogue systems so I created one for Swansea University. Here’s it is: javascript:var%20re=/([/-]|is[bs]n=)(d{7,9}[dX])/i;if(re.test(location.href)==true){var%20isbn=RegExp.$2;...

April 4, 2005 · 1 min