Blogging in Word

Blogger has just launched a new plug-in for Word that allows you to write your Blog articles in Word and upload it. _All *the *_usual **stuff that you’d expect. Tables and images are not supported. You’ll find the download page at

August 17, 2005 · 1 min

10 Tips for Teachers

I have quietly admired Kathy Sierra’s approach to teaching for some time now and own all the Head First books (including the 2nd Edition of Head First Java). Kathy and her colleagues launched a Web Log Creating Passionate Users in December of last year. Today’s article Ten Tips for New Trainers/Teachers might be a good lauch point for me to learn about and apply some of these ideas in my own teaching....

July 12, 2005 · 1 min

Currently Reading ...

I have played with Maven on and off for a while but as documentation is a bit patchy, I’ve been eagerly awaiting the “Maven Book” by Vincent Massol and Tim O’Brien’s (Maven: A Developer’s Notebook, O’Reilly, 2005) since it was announced some time ago. It’s been on pre-order at for months but it finally arrived yesterday. I worked through chapter 1 in about two hours. Chapter 3 looks particularly interesting....

July 7, 2005 · 1 min

No comment necessary

The incredible testimony to the US Senate by George Galloway. Needs to be recorded here for posterity.

May 22, 2005 · 1 min


I’ve just completed a couple of lab report marking sessions and saw the usual mistakes being made. By the usual process of serendipity I noted Writing Between the Lines from Andy Hunt (pragmatic programmer) which is well worth directing my students to. Here’s a nice pithy quote that I could see myself adding to the red-ink comments that I typically add to a returned report: Remember that writing is a conversation....

May 14, 2005 · 1 min