New DokuWiki for Homepage

I have installed an instance of [DokuWiki]( which I am intending to use as a home page. Its current location is []( but eventually I hope to move it to []( powered by [performancing firefox](

February 12, 2007 · 1 min

Moving to Google Reader

I’m in the process of moving my Bloglines aggregation settings to Google Reader. The features that I like abou Google Reader that prompted this move are: I can add multiple tags to RSS feeds Reader shows you what’s new (and also what’s old) in all feeds or across tagged items: no more navigating complex folder structures the list display is easier to scan when you’re busy it’s easy to share feeds or individual articles...

February 6, 2007 · 1 min

Fortress Intepreter

Mentioned in episode 100 of the Java Posse was a new (to me) open source language for the JVM called Fortress. Using a notation that looks literally more like mathematics than either Mathematica or Matlab, and claiming a place in the application domains that have been Fortran’s province since year dot, this looks like a language and a project that deserves further study.

January 29, 2007 · 1 min

Groovy snowball ready to roll

I’ve been teaching Groovy as part of one of my final year bachelor modules for about two years now. My module EG-358: Software Applications gives a sort of overview of how software engineering is applied across the range of platforms from desktop through to embedded (I cover the Enterprise in a Masters level module) and it takes in such esoteric issues as design patterns, collaborative development, agile development, IDEs, real-time, concurrency, etc....

January 29, 2007 · 2 min

Replace occurrence of string in files under directory tree

This Python recipe “ASPN : Python Cookbook : Replace occurrence of string in files under directory tree” has a comment that reminded me of the power of Perl. I am updating my slides for a lecture course that uses rst2s5 (a utility that uses Docutils/reStructuredText to generate S5 slides). When I wrote the original slides for last year’s course, rst2s5 was still in the Docutils Sandbox. It has now been promoted into the official Docutils distribution but some changes have been made....

September 13, 2006 · 1 min