Signed up with Twitter

Under the heading of *it might be useful* I [signed up]( with Twitter. There don’t seem to be any tools (extensions, google gadgets, etc) that make it easy to use from Firefox as it seems that SMS and Instant Messaging would seem to be the preferred interface. And I guess for the purpose (quick notes to say what you’re doing) that makes sense. I’ll have to install an AIM client now though!...

April 11, 2007 · 1 min

My Library Thing

After a recommendation in this week’s Technology Guardian I discovered [LibraryThing]( another beta/web2.0/link/social/tagging web site. This time for books. I’ve started putting [my book collection]( into it. Apart from the benefits of having a complete library catalogue on-line, the social networking aspects could be interesting. It can also be used in marking books for a class reading list. See [EG-146 Reading List]( as an example. powered by [performancing firefox](

March 24, 2007 · 1 min

End of term

It’s the end of another term. Four weeks without students but lots of boring admin to do. powered by [performancing firefox](

March 23, 2007 · 1 min

Lunch and Learn: Enters the Blogsphere

I’ve just returned to my office after attending a Lunch and Learn session on Blogging and the uses of Blogging in education. Nichola van den Berg from LIS was the presenter and she gave a very nice introduction to blogging to an audience of academics who were new to the subject. A couple of things that I took away from the session were (1) I could do more to get my students blogging and (2) I could do more with this blog....

March 23, 2007 · 2 min

New Domain

I have just registered for the domain via the free version of Google Apps. I’ve got a new web site up and running but it’s a bit sparse. However at only $10 for nominet site registration and free web, application, email and collaboration hosting (within limits) it’s a snip!

March 12, 2007 · 1 min