Lifecasting on iStalkr

Just discovered []( a *Lifecasting* site which allows you to add RSS feeds from all your stuff and creates a *time line* of your activities. I [signed up today]( and have added streams from my: - []( bookmarks - []( twitterings - Starred [google reader items](http:// - [Flickr photos]( - And this blog… So now, theoretically, I should be able to start to automatically build a complete record of my “*for public consumption*” activities just by *doing stuff*....

April 17, 2007 · 1 min

Dion Almaer gets (J)Ruby running as an applet

Here’s a [nice example]( of what can be done with Java applets! After downloading the (full!) JRuby implementation as an applet Dion shows that a little JavaScript can make it possible to execute a Ruby program in the browser. In the example, JRuby scripts are evaluated “onclick” and from a text input window. I wonder if anyone has done this with Groovy too? Powered by [ScribeFire](

April 17, 2007 · 1 min

Connexions: video introduction

I’ve just been watching a [video](, presented by Richard G. Baraniuk of Rice University, (part of the Google TechTalks series) on [Connexions ](http://cnx.otg) a non-profit start-up launched at Rice University in 1999 that aims to reinvent how we write, edit, publish, and use textbooks. Very inspirational and certainly worth a deeper look. Powered by [ScribeFire](

April 13, 2007 · 1 min

Educational videos from Google

Google runs a regular programme of educational presentations by eminent software developers about interesting web and code development technologies, tools and techniques. The great thing is that the presentations are videoed and put on-line on Google video. It also seems to go out and about in recording events at local user groups and records those as well. I discovered this great resource a couple of days ago and have been taking advantage of the Easter break to soak some of this good stuff during the Easter break....

April 13, 2007 · 1 min

Spring Clean

Just updated my template to rounders 2. Gotta keep things fresh right?

April 12, 2007 · 1 min