Firefox addins

Richard McManus of the Read/WriteWeb blog has published an article on [Firefox browser add-ins]( which includes the top ten list, links to reviews of the “officially” recommended add-ins and some discussion of what will be coming in Firefox 3. Comments give lists and links to other add-ins. My personal list of addons that I use every day: - [ScribeFire]( addin for blogging. - The []( addin for tagging web pages. - The [del....

June 19, 2007 · 1 min

A Day in the (2.0) life (Part 1)

Introduction Over the last year or so I have been dipping my toes more and more into the on-line world and experiencing first-hand the Web 2.0 phenomenon. I thought it was time I formally started to report my experiences and reflect on how I am using Web 2.0 technologies. So this is part 1 in a planned series of essays on living life online. Hopefully there’ll be something that others, particularly colleagues at Swansea University, will be able to pick up....

June 14, 2007 · 2 min

Heroes: Sir Tim honoured (again)

Announced on the W3C news site yesterday (13th June) and just today spotted while trawling my RSS feeds, is the news that Sir Tim Berners-Lee (TBL) has been appointed as a member of the Order of Merit by H.R.H. Queen Elizabeth II. Sir Tim, as you know, invented the World Wide Web, which made this blog possible, and so changed the world as we know it ;-). He’s definitely a hero of mine....

June 14, 2007 · 1 min

e-learning? Isn't it just learning?

I’ve been trying to attend the JISC innovating e-learning conference 2007 but what with final year assessment and external examination boards coming up, it’s been difficult to participate, even as a lurker! However, one thing that occurs to me is that sticking the letter e in front of a real-world concept does not give it magical powers! So we have e-learning, e-portfolios, e-assessment, e-etc, but what are they really? Aren’t they just the real-world concepts supported by technology?...

June 13, 2007 · 3 min

New web 2.0 "to do list" application

Came across a recommendation of another Web-based To Do List application while going through my RSS feeds this morning. This application was recommended by Lachlan Hardy on Read/Write Web blog and so I signed up. One feature that immediately sets it apart is that it can link to gmail via a Firefox plug-in, so if you come across an email that needs action you can tag it inside gmail and it is added to your to do list....

June 12, 2007 · 1 min