Switching from Desktop to Online Tools

Tom Johnson strkes a chord with his latest [blog](http://www.idratherbewriting.com/2007/07/03/motiviations-for-switching-from-desktop-to-online-tools/) posting on [i’d rather be writing](http://www.idratherbewriting.com) wherein he talks about moving from desktop to online tools. Here’s his list which of tools, many of which I find I am already using (but not exclusively yet): - Instead of Microsoft Outlook, use Gmail. - Instead of FeedDemon, use Google Reader. - Instead of Microsoft Word, use Google Docs and Spreadsheets (if only!). - Instead of to-do lists and other notes stored on Word documents, use Mediawiki Todoist and Dokuwiki....

July 4, 2007 · 2 min

First-step with Yahoo! Pipes

I’ve been reading a lot recently about Yahoo! Pipes so I thought I’d give it a try myself. I created a simple feed aggregator by merging the RSS feeds for my Google reader starred items, del.icio.us, and the RSS feed for this blog together and output as a new feed. I had to do some minor manipulation, for example to remove duplicates (which you get when you star, bookmark or link-blog the same item) and to sort the merged feeds into descending order of publication date....

June 29, 2007 · 2 min

We ignore digital media at OUr peril: the movie

In a follow-up to his blog article on Digital Media (reported in my article about serendipity), OU Educational Technologist Tony Hirst has used the web 2.0 site SplashCast to mash up a presentation with the cited videos. Here’s Tony’s blog article, and here is the presentation. The end result serves both as an interesting introduction to the educational possibilities of digital media and an interesting case study of what can be done with access to video sharing sites and the web....

June 29, 2007 · 1 min

The view from here

Seen in today’s Guardian is news of the impending July 27th release of the BBC’s new content-on-demand iPlayer. Unfortunately, acording to the article and Guardian blogger Bobbie Johnson, it won’t run on Vista which adds it to a growing list of essential software (which includes Quicktime and iTunes) which won’t run on my newly upgraded laptop. Still, we still have XP on the computer at home so next time we miss an episode of Dalziel and Pascoe because of a recording clash on the Sky+ box, all will not be lost!...

June 28, 2007 · 1 min

Mr Brown's Arrival

It’s not technology related, but the arrival of new Gordon Brown as new PM, ought to be marked somehow, even if a day late! My personal Brown story: I was once within three feet of Gordon in the ticket hall of the Paddington Station underground. He was in the opposition then, so got around using public transport. I don’t suppose he’d remember me. (image originally published on the BBC news web site....

June 28, 2007 · 1 min