Better Web Application Framework: Followup

While going through my feed-reader today, I came across another potential framework, which I can add to the list mentioned earlier. This is Project Zero, an incubator project being developed by IBM. It uses the Java platform and the scripting languages Groovy and/or PHP and seems to be directly targetted at RESTful services development but with support for traditional web applications, AJAX and mashups. I guess that I am going to have to I develop a data model and evaluate the choices that I have before I get even more confused!...

January 22, 2008 · 1 min

Better Web Application Framework

For a web application that I am developing as part of a research project I have decided on using [Python]( for the business logic. The reasons being that the application will use fixed-point binary arithmetic, units, and data output as line-graphs. Python seems to have the libraries that I’ll need for this and is better suited for rapid development than Java. Part of the requirements that I have been researching this last week have been concerned with the identification of a suitable web application framework for Python....

January 17, 2008 · 3 min

New Blackboard Tools

Some new features (blogs, wikis, social bookmarking, podcasting) were added to my institution’s Blackboard in the last upgrade. It’s very early days but I managed to try some of these out and blog about my first impressions. Here’s my [blog entry]( It’s hosted on Blackboard so I’m not sure if it will be publicly visible. My apologies if it isn’t! Some of my views are probably influenced by [this Slideshare presentation](http://www....

January 15, 2008 · 1 min

Winter Trees in Singleton Park

Today my wife and I took a walk in Singleton Park and the botanical gardens and I snapped one or two interesting views with my new camera. I love the dramatic silhouettes that large deciduous trees make in the winter! This image has been converted to Black and White. There are more pictures on Flickr. [![Posted by Picasa](](

January 12, 2008 · 1 min

Jing Zing!

jing-test-cmd Originally uploaded by Chris P Jobling I am grateful to for the post that lead me to try out a new Screencasting tool from TechSmith called Jing. Made by the same company that makes SnagIt (an indispensable screen caspture tool) and Camtasia Studio (a screencasting tool that I covet but can’t afford), Jing is a “couldn’t be simpler” tool for making screencasts that you can share. The results can be shared with others as videos via (charged for service) Screencast....

January 8, 2008 · 2 min