ICCT Class of 2008

[![](http://3.bp.blogspot.com/__bnNGgqRugY/SH98H-euYiI/AAAAAAAACm4/yQocPgrn5Cg/s320/DSC_0023.jpg)](http://3.bp.blogspot.com/__bnNGgqRugY/SH98H-euYiI/AAAAAAAACm4/yQocPgrn5Cg/s1600-h/DSC_0023.jpg) Pictured L-R: Matt Smith BSc, Mark Davies BSc, Mark Ireland BSc, Russell Morris BSc. Today was graduation day for the students in the Information, Computing and Communcations Technology discipline at the School of Engineering at Swansea University. Congratulations to the new Bachelors of Science Matt, Mark, Mark and Russell. Russell was also presented with the W.G. Isaacs Prize for best project. Congratulations and good look to you all! More pictures from the day will be posted on Facebook and Flickr....

July 17, 2008 · 1 min

Open Source is Magic

As [reported yesterday](http://crispyj2.blogspot.com/2008/06/google-io-day.html), I’ve been catching up with a number of presentations from the [Google I/O 2008 conference](http://sites.google.com/site/io/google-io-sessions). However, I just had to draw particular attention to one of the highlights which is this recording of a very entertaining presentation from Chris di Bona who is Open Source Programs Manager at Google. In an engaging, anecdotal style, Chris covers the history and philosophy of Open Source (which includes a name check for Swansea’s very own [Alan Cox](http://en....

July 1, 2008 · 1 min

Blog Networks on Facebook.

Today, I discovered Blog Networks after reading Sarah Parez’s posting “Blog Networks like MyBlogLog for Facebook” on ReadWriteWeb. Blog Networks is a new Facebook application that allows you to embed your favourite blogs (including your own) into your Facebook profile so that your friends can read and rate your thoughts and the thoughts of others that you value. An interesting feature is that the easiest way to claim ownership of your own blog is to get your friends to verify that you own it which is both a social and viral way of getting the word out....

June 30, 2008 · 1 min

Google I/O Day

Last month Google hosted the first of its Google I/O conferences in San Francisco. I’d like to report that I was there, but I wasn’t (although I did watch the keynote the day after it was given). The video recordings of the speakers (hosted on YouTube) and their slides (mostly shared on Google Docs) that have been on-line for a few weeks now. With term finally over, I can become a virtual conference delegate and today was my first chance to catch up with some of the more interesting talks....

June 30, 2008 · 2 min

Espresso @ Verdi's

More travels with my bike … this time a swift 15 minute ride to Verdi’s at Mumbles for an espresso after dinner. Sunny day (not many of those this June) and lovely views over the Bay towards the University, Swansea and Port Talbot. [![Posted by Picasa](http://photos1.blogger.com/pbp.gif)](http://picasa.google.com/blogger/)

June 23, 2008 · 1 min