Proms in Singleton Park

The BBC Proms Season ended with a bang in Singleton Park last night as the Fireworks, launched during the Welsh National Anthem, brought to an end a great concert of Italian Music and Neopolitan songs. The BBC National Orchestra and Chorus of Wales, conducted by David Charles Abell and Soloists Rebecca Evans (Three Costume Changes!) and Alfie Boe kept us all entertained for the three hours of the concert itself and the rehersals, which as early arrivals, we also got to see....

September 14, 2008 · 1 min

A Walk on the Beach

[![](,+Sea+and+Clouds.jpg)](,+Sea+and+Clouds.jpg) Today we took a walk along the Beach. It was late evening, just before sunset and the clouds, sea and sand made for some dramatic images. The full set are to be seen on [Picasa]( [![Posted by Picasa](](

September 11, 2008 · 1 min

Google Chrome App Maker

One of the nice features of the newly released beta of Google Chrome is the feature that makes it easy to convert a tab into a standalone desktop application shortcut which you can add to your desktop, quick launch and start menu. I’ve already gotten Google Reader, Flickr and Zoho Docs “application-i-fied”, and no doubt Facebook, Google Docs, and my other frquently-used web apps will follow. A major advantage of this is that the applications launch in their own independent windows whereas links launch in tabs in a separate instance of the Chrome browser....

September 4, 2008 · 1 min

Legitimate Ospreys Fan

Day 3: Legitimate Ospreys Fan Originally uploaded by Chris P Jobling Today, I picked up my first Ospreys season ticket (actually the first season ticket of any description) so I’m all set for a year of live Magner’s League, Anglo-Welsh and European cup rugby at the Liberty Stadium. First game is Shane William’s testimonial against Leicester Tigers tomorrow!

August 22, 2008 · 1 min

Another rainy day in August

Another rainy day in August Originally uploaded by Chris P Jobling Here’s the first real 365 Project photo. It puts into pixels what I feel about August so far! Follow the rest of this series by visiting Crispy’s 365 Photos Project.

August 20, 2008 · 1 min