The Catch 22 of Academic Publishing

A couple of interesting articles crossed my on-line reading list today. First of all, Chris Hall from the Swansea Learning lab posted a bookmark to a Times Higher Education article which reported on a JISC Report on new models for academic publishing which concludes that “an “open-access” future for academic publishing would save money while boosting the profile of research and maximising its economic impact.” In The Guardian Technology supplement, Andrew Brown presents a similar argument in today’s Read me first column: “Digital Britain needs access to science journals, not YouTube....

February 5, 2009 · 2 min


[![](]( The snow finally arrived in Swansea but brought with it the usual British “severe weather” madness. I received a Twitter tweet from a colleague that said that the University was closed and because I couldn’t believe it: I walked out into the pleasant wintry day to see if it was true. And it was! The entire staff was sent home at around 9.00 am. Students flooding in from Brynmill were turned away from lectures and were able to build snowmen and have snowball fights instead....

February 3, 2009 · 2 min


[![Snow in Singleton park](]( According to the [BBC]( “BBC Snow!”), snow falls today caused major [disruption]( “BBC: London Travel Severely disrupted”) to normal sevice of [UK PLC]( “BBC: Businesses counting the cost”). In Swansea, we had a light dusting as this shot of my route into work shows. Light snow showers expected tonight. [![Posted by Picasa](](

February 2, 2009 · 1 min

Displaying Pie Charts with Google Chart API

<img src=“" alt=“Sample chart](,40&cht=p&chl=Strongly Agree|Strongly Disagree) In one of my [current projects " title=”” />I am publishing the results (in blog form) of the first assessment of my use of e-learning that I have ever formally tried. The majority of the questions use the Likert scale (where respondees are asked to rank their response to a statement along the scale of Strongly-agree to Strongly disagree) and I want to present the results with pie charts like this one....

January 30, 2009 · 2 min

ICCT Welcome Post (2009)

[![](]( Welcome to the blogging exercise ICCT class of 2009. Please leave the link to your new blog in the comments. [![Posted by Picasa](](

January 29, 2009 · 1 min