Happy 20th Birthday, World Wide Web

I’m sure I’ll not be the only one, but let me add my congratulations to Sir Tim and his wonderful, annoying, ubiquitous invention. [Happy 20th Birthday, World Wide Web](http://janeknight.typepad.com/pick/2009/03/happy-20th-birthday-world-wide-web.html) via [Jane’s E-Learning Pick of the Day](http://janeknight.typepad.com/pick/) by Jane Hart on 3/13/09 Scientific American has a great feature on Tim Berners Lee and the Web. The reason? “CERN on March 13 celebrates the 20th anniversary of a proposal entitled, “Information Management: A Proposal,” by Tim Berners-Lee, which would become the blueprint for the World Wide Web”...

March 16, 2009 · 1 min

Effective Presentations

This new Flowgram weaves the best of the Internet’s sites on presentations into a briefing presentation for my research project students. At the time of writing, there is no soundtrack but check back later. Important note, Flowgram goes off line on 30th June: you probably won’t see the embedded presentation after that date. http://www.flowgram.com/widget/flexwidget.swf?id=haycqp6hibqjxr&hasLinks=false Flowgram has been playing up lately: it takes an inordinate amount of time between uploading PowerPoint slides and them appearing on the site....

March 15, 2009 · 1 min

Education theories on learning [via feedly]

An informal guide for the engineering education scholar has been published by the Engineering Subject Centre (ESC) at the Higher Education Academy (HEA). It’s aimed at engineering educators (like me) who don’t have much idea of the theory of education and educators (also like me) who want to do research in this area. Hope it delivers what it promises! [Published: 10 days ago shared via feedly] Posted via email from Half baked but crispy....

March 13, 2009 · 1 min

YAB: Yet Another Blog...

So I subscribed to posterous.com (just by sending an email to post at posterous.com) and now I can post to the Learning Lab Community blog, Fresh and Crispy, Twitter and Flickr all at the same time … by email! And as I’m doing this at 12.42 am, I’ve obviously got a bad case of social network addiction. Must stop signing up! Posted via email from Half baked but crispy

March 13, 2009 · 1 min

Testing Disqus

I have noticed that a few people in my Friendfeed have been using a new (to me) social commenting service Disqus to mediate their blog comments. Unable to resist trying out “yet another Web2.0 service” (YAWTS), I’ve signed up. After some adjustment to my Blogger template to include the necessary third-party code, my comments are now using Disqus and you can subscribe to a post’s comment stream, or all my comments....

March 5, 2009 · 1 min