Google I/O 2009 - Google's HTML 5 Work: What's Next? I have a lecture next week which will discuss HTML markup. I have lots of notes and examples for XHTML 1.0 and CSS 2 which I think students should read through for some deeper learning rather than be presented in a lecture. I have instead decided to show [this video]( On searching,I also found this presentation from Google I/0 2009 (the Google developer’s conference) which talks about what’s coming next!...

September 23, 2009 · 1 min

Déjà vu all over again!

Last year I started my photo a day project with a snap of the flooded path from the University (where I work) to Brynmill (where I live). Here we are in a new year and once again it’s raining and the path across Singleton Park has become a river. A day to be enjoyed by only by Labradors. Autumn has come early this year and I’m wondering what happened to the summer!...

September 2, 2009 · 1 min

Season 2 Begins with Saint Barbara

Year 2: 1/365: Saint Barbara Originally uploaded by Chris P Jobling It would appear that I am addicted! After taking a couple of days off from my first 365 photos project, I am, like the best American television series, back for season two. So here is the first upload from a second year of “a photo a day”. The image, of Saint Barbara, parton saint of artillerymen, military engineers, miners and others who work with explosives …, and also of mathematicians [Wikipedia]...

September 1, 2009 · 1 min

End of year one

[![](]( “photo sharing”) [Day 1: Another rainy day in August]( Originally uploaded by [Chris P Jobling]( My first year’s “photo-a-day” project ended, as it started, on a rainy day in August. In between, there were many highlights such as Shane Williams’ testimonial with the Ospreys, the Great Dorset Steam fair, Queen Nefertiti, Parties, Christmas in Berlin, a holiday in Yorkshire and the U2 concert in Cardiff. There are also lots of self portraits, pictures of the cat and images of furniture and furnishings that fill in when no other inspiration beckoned....

August 23, 2009 · 1 min

A-Level Results Day

It’s the day when students who took A-levels in May find out what grades they got and whether they have gotten in to their first choice university. Every year, the number of students getting the top grade (A) goes up and every year the media reports this and speculates on whether or not standards are falling – because children can’t be more intelligent than their parents can they – after all their brains have been rotted by electronic games and social media!...

August 20, 2009 · 3 min