Update to BBC Accessibility

Interesting follow-up to yesterday’s mobile web accessibility post (#thereisawebappforthat). When demonstrating mobile web page accessibility to my wife, I went direct to the BBC web site (http://www.bbc.co.uk). Interestingly, this page recognizes that I was using a mobile device and switched to a presentation suitable for a mobile (See http://www.bbc.co.uk/mobile/web/ for a live demo). Clicking through from here gets you to the news site http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/mobile/ and this is accessible to mobiles. The question is then why doesn’t a link to http://www....

August 7, 2010 · 1 min

Mobile Accessibility

There should be a web app for that! Earlier today I tweeted A bit disappointed to be finding that major media outlets like the BBC make apps instead of making website mobile browser compatible. After that outburst I felt some explanation was called for. I also felt a campaign coming on. So here goes. The Explanation If you have an internet enabled smart phone, then you almost certainly have a mobile web browser....

August 6, 2010 · 5 min

My Social Networks: Optimal Sharing(?)

I’m thinking that I need to optimize my social network sharing strategy. Ideally, I’d like to reach the maximum number of people with the minimum effort and I think that I may have too many channels. There is also some duplication that I want to eliminate. To achieve my aims, I think that I first need to analyze my sharing habits and who sees what I share. This might take several posts to untangle....

August 6, 2010 · 4 min

Pet rocks and fire hoses

I participated in my first #lrnchat session on Twitter this afternoon. I found it difficult to cope with the volume of information coming in – hence the allusion to fire hoses in the title. While I was composing my next 140 characters of wit and wisdom, 27 messages would scroll by! But I did discover Tweetchat. There were some stand out moments such as the comparison of Google Wave (topical on the day) with Pet Rocks1 and the comic reflection on the Twitter chat experience: “I once was lost, but now, profound....

August 5, 2010 · 1 min

It wasn't completely pointless

One of the best responses so far to today’s news on Google’s wave was this reminder us of what it could be good for Tweeted by Jack Schofield. Warning: the embedded video contains language (in spoken and written form) that may offend! I guess the problem was that for every creative that found a new medium there were hundreds of the rest of us who just saw the question marks!

August 5, 2010 · 1 min