Apple - Apple Events - Apple Special Event September 2010

Video of Steve Jobs revealing the new tools. My take: iPod — not interested; Ping — why not link to Facebook/Twitter rather than inventing something new? I’ll be sticking with Spotify and Plus there are privacy/spam issues already! Apple TV … now that could be a winner!

September 3, 2010 · 1 min

Doing a Macmillan

It’s a repost, but I thought I’d remind my faithful readers that I’ll be taking part in the Gower Macmarathon in a week’s time. Renate and I have been doing some training in West Yorkshire (where coincidentally there where a number of excellent real-ale pubs) and both expect to be fit enough. The Gower Macmarathon is a sponsored 22 mile walk from Rhossilli to Mumbles in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support....

September 3, 2010 · 1 min

Podcast of the Week #5: The Changelog

Git sounds like an insult, but it’s actually a distributed version control system which was originally invented by Linus Torvalds, the developer of the Linux kernel. GitHub is a phenomenally successful open-source code hosting site build around Git. GitHub is also a community and the unofficial voice of the GitHub community is The Changelog, a blog and weekly podcast which highlights developments in Open Source by monitoring GitHub. The podcast is hosted by Wynn Netherland and Adam Stokoviac who regularly get to speak to the developers whose code is being developed in the open on GitHub*....

August 25, 2010 · 1 min

BBC Micro brought back to life

Really liked this story that was a small item on Today’s Today programme. Students on A level computing course being let into The National Museum of Computing at Bletchley Park to programme the BBC micro (in BBC Basic) in order to learn how computers really work. Visit the link for a more detailed article, background to the BBC Micro, and video from BBC News team. See this Amp at

August 25, 2010 · 1 min

The Twitter guardiantech Daily on (via @jemimakiss)

I like this idea. Mainstream newspaper The Guardian takes the twitter feeds of its tech journalists to produce a daily snapshot of it’s tech coverage. Could easily adapt this idea for a University or a teaching module — although a monthly might be more useful in the latter context! See this Amp at

August 25, 2010 · 1 min